
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-06  



  • Dinner - 晚饭

  • Supper - 晚餐(某些地区使用)

  • Main course - 主菜

  • Appetizer - 开胃菜

  • Dessert - 甜点

  • Beverage - 饮料

  • Set menu - 套餐

  • A la carte - 单点

  • Table reservation - 预订桌位

  • Takeout - 外卖

  • Home-cooked meal - 家常菜

  • Eating out - 外出就餐

  • Family dinner - 家庭聚餐

  • Candlelight dinner - 烛光晚餐

  • Buffet - 自助餐


A: What do you feel like having for dinner tonight?
B: I'm not sure. Maybe we could try that new Italian restaurant?
A: That sounds great! Should we make a reservation?
B: Yes, let's do that. What time shall we go?
A: How about 7 PM?
B: Perfect. I'll call the restaurant.

A: 你今晚想吃什么晚饭?
B: 我不太确定。也许我们可以试试那家新开的意大利餐厅?
A: 听起来不错!我们需要预订吗?
B: 是的,我们这就预订。几点去呢?
A: 7点怎么样?
B: 完美。我来给餐厅打电话。


Dinner at Home

Last night, my family had a wonderful dinner at home. My parents decided to cook a special meal to celebrate my brother's graduation. We started preparing the dishes early in the afternoon. My mother made her famous lasagna, while my father grilled some vegetables and chicken. I was responsible for the dessert, so I baked a chocolate cake.

As we sat down at the table, the aroma of the food filled the room, making everyone's mouth water. We began with a light salad, followed by the main course. The lasagna was delicious, and the grilled items added the perfect touch. For dessert, the chocolate cake was moist and rich, a perfect end to the meal.

During dinner, we talked about our day, shared jokes, and discussed future plans. It was a heartwarming experience, reinforcing the bond between us. Dining together provided us with an opportunity to connect and share moments of joy.

This dinner reminded me of the importance of family meals. Not only do they allow us to enjoy delicious food, but they also strengthen our relationships and create lasting memories.







❶ 你能赶回家吃晚饭吗?Will you be home in time for dinner?

对话 A: Will you be home in time for dinner? 你能赶回家吃晚饭吗?

B: It depends. 视情况而定。

❷ 我太累了,不想做晚饭。I am too tired to cook supper.

这样回答 Then let's eat out. 那我们去外面吃吧。

Let me cook. 我来做吧。

❸ 准备一下餐具好吗?Would you set the table?

同类表达 Set the table with spoons and knives. 在桌子上摆好勺和刀。

❹ 帮我准备晚餐。Help me prepare dinner.

对话 A: Stop watching TV and help me prepare dinner. 不要只顾着看电视,来帮我准备晚餐。

B: I'm coming. 我来了。

❺ 今天该你做晚饭了。It's your turn to cook supper.

对话 A: It's your turn to cook supper. 今天该你做晚饭了。

B: I remember I did it yesterday. 我记得昨天就是我做的。

A: I guess you would say so. 我就猜到你会这样说。

❻ 晚饭十分钟之后就好。Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.

同类表达 In ten minutes. 十分钟之后。

Just a minute, supper will be ready soon. 请稍等,晚饭马上好。

❼ 如果你还没吃饱,锅里还有饭。There is more rice in the cooker if you are still hungry.

这样回答 Not necessary. I'm full. 不用了,我饱了。

❽ 你把餐桌收拾一下,我去洗碗筷。Clear the table and I'll do the dishes.

这样回答 Deal! 一言为定!

OK! 好的!

❾ 我太累了,不想收拾桌子。I'm very tired and I don't want to clear the table.

这样回答 Leave it to me. 把它交给我吧。

❿ 如果你吃过晚饭,我就不做了。If you've already had supper, I won't cook it.

对话 A: If you've already had supper, I won't cook it. 如果你吃过晚饭,我就不做了。

B: I haven't had supper yet. 我还没吃晚饭呢。