- 度假胜地拥挤得让人无法忍受。
- The resorts are unbearably crowded .
- 经常有这样的抱怨:搭乘了一班拥挤的飞机,回到家就感冒了。
- It 's a common complaint : fly on a crowded plane and come home with a cold .
- 卫生条件不好的地区,包括拥挤的室内贫民窟,要特别注意这一情况。
- The significance could be especially great in areas with inadequate sanitation , including crowded urban shantytowns .
- 商用飞机被限制在拥挤的航线上,几乎没有别的选择。
- Commercial aircraft are confined to congested corridors with little flexibility .
- 抵制力量可能来自于地方政府,他们面临越来越拥挤的城市而社会住宅不足的状况。
- Resistance here may come from local governments facing increasingly congested cities with inadequate social housing .
- 汽车业的另一个担心是:汽车的使用似乎已经在最拥挤的城市达到顶峰。
- Another worry for the motor industry is that car use seems to be peaking in the most congested cities .
- 她们不仅可以得到钱,同时还意味着她们可以从此搬出大学校园里狭小的宿舍。
- They not only get money , it may also mean they can afford to move out of cramped university dormitories .
- 如果你来自海外,你可能要在一艘狭窄拥挤的货船甲板上租用一个位置。
- If you came from abroad , you would have hired space on the deck of a cramped cargo vessel .
- 在拥挤狭小的公寓和大房子之间做选择,我们往往将注意力集中在后者带来的有形资产。
- Given the choice between that cramped apartment and the big house , we focus on the tangible gains offered by the latter .