- 汉堡市经历的只是改革中的挫折,而不是最终的失败。
- Hamburg was a setback for reform , not a final defeat .
- 汉堡的展览还对以化学或物理干预的办法缓和气温进行了探索。
- The hamburg show also explores the idea of chemical and physical interventions to moderate weather .
- 就像美国的校车接送,汉堡的改革计划刺激到了中产阶级的神经。
- Rather like busing in america , hamburg 's planned reforms touch middle-class nerves .
- 我的女友南茜要稍晚一点回家,所以我也给她带了一个汉堡包。
- My girlfriend nancy was coming home later , so I picked up a hamburger for her as well .
- 即使令人生厌的美国文化象征在全球蔓延,但汉堡包和法兰克福香肠证明,德意志早先的影响力仍在。
- Even those loathed symbols of american cultural expansion , the hamburger and the frankfurter , testify to earlier german influence .
- 我们篮子里的商品只有一样麦当劳的巨无霸汉堡包,但是这一样却是在全世界都销售的商品。
- Our basket contains just a single item , a big mac hamburger , but one that is sold around the world .
- 这个汉堡包连锁企业去年公布了24亿美元的税收支出。
- The burger chain reported $ 24 billion in revenue last year .
- 这个汉堡包巨头于上月末在证券交易委员会的归档文件中,公布了它的年终店面数。
- The burger giant disclosed its year-end store count in a securities and exchange commission filing late last month .
- 在军事点生火并不新鲜,在ronaldmcdonald捣鼓他的第一个汉堡包时,这种情况就已经出现很长时间了。
- Gastronomic outposts are nothing new . It all started long before ronald mcdonald flipped his first burger .