np 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Who would be on your top 50 np times list ?
- 谁会在你的非盈利时报前50榜单里呢?
- It became a shareholder in areva np not just by contributing money , but by bringing germany 's entire nuclear-power industry to the venture .
- 成为阿海珐的股东,西门子不仅贡献了资金,而且还将德国全套核能技术带入了这家合资企业。
- There are a few people on this list that may not consider themselves the next generation , however I decided to include them because they haven 't made it on the np times top 50 list yet .
- 这个榜单中的一些人并不认为他们是“下一代”,然而由于他们并不在非盈利时报的50人榜单上,我决定把他们加进来。
- Until this week areva np was an example of a successful partnership between french and german companies in a promising industry .
- 直到本周,阿海珐核电公司仍是法德两国在这一前景光明的领域成功合作的一个典范。
- Nurse practitioner ( np ) . A nurse practitioner has additional training in a particular area , such as family practice or pediatrics .
- 护理师接受过针对某一专业领域(如:家庭科或小儿科)的额外训练。
- A resolution of the p v np problem could therefore have significant real-world repercussions .
- 对于pvnp的解决方案也在现实世界中有着重要的反响。
- But " p versus np " is more than just an abstract mathematical puzzle .
- 但“p与np”问题不仅仅是个抽象的数学难题而已。
- Programmers and computer scientists have been buzzing for the past week about the latest attempt to solve one of the most vexing questions in computer science : the so-called " p versus np problem . "
- 程序员与计算机科学家上周都在热议对计算机科学中最令人困惑的问题所谓的“p与np问题”的最新解答。
- The clay mathematics institute in cambridge , ma , has named " p versus np " as one of its " millennium " problems , and offers $ 1 million to anyone who provides a verified proof .
- 麻省的剑桥克莱数学研究院(claymathematicsinstitute)将“p与np”列为其“千年(millennium)”问题之一,并为任何作出有效证明的人提供1百万美元的奖金。