
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-30  






裤子:pants / trousers


外套:coat / jacket







运动鞋:sneakers / trainers

高跟鞋:high heels







穿上衣服:put on clothes

脱下鞋子:take off shoes

搭配衣物:match clothes

试穿衣服:try on clothes

洗衣服:do the laundry

打结领带:tie a tie

穿着得体:dress appropriately

穿着舒适:wear comfortable clothes

收起衣物:put away clothes

换衣服:change clothes


A: What are you wearing to the party tonight?
B: I'm wearing a black dress and high heels.
A: That sounds elegant! Don't forget to bring a coat in case it gets cold later.
B: Sure, I'll bring a coat just in case. What about you? What are you wearing?

A: 你今晚参加晚会打算穿什么?
B: 我穿一件黑色连衣裙和高跟鞋。
A: 听起来很优雅!别忘了带一件外套,以防晚上变冷。
B: 当然,我会带一件外套以防万一。那你呢?你打算穿什么?

A: Did you see John's new suit? He looks really sharp.
B: Yes, I noticed it too. The color suits him well.
A: Definitely. He always dresses impeccably for important occasions.
B: I wish I had his sense of style. I struggle with what to wear sometimes.

A: 你看到约翰的新西装了吗?他看起来真的很帅。
B: 是的,我也注意到了。那个颜色很适合他。
A: 绝对是。他总是在重要场合穿得无可挑剔。
B: 我希望我有他的时尚品味。有时我在穿什么方面很困惑。

A: What do you think about casual Fridays at the office?
B: I like it. It's nice to be able to wear more comfortable clothes.
A: I agree. It's a good break from the usual formal attire.
B: Definitely. I feel more relaxed and productive when I can dress comfortably.

A: 你对办公室的休闲星期五有什么看法?
B: 我喜欢。能够穿着更舒适的衣服很好。
A: 我同意。这是一个很好的休息,远离通常的正式着装。
B: 绝对是。当我可以穿得舒适时,我感到更轻松和有成效。


Wearing the right clothes is important not just to look good, but also to feel confident and comfortable. The clothes we wear can affect our mood and even our behavior. For example, dressing in formal attire for a job interview can make us feel more professional and confident.

In addition to personal comfort, the way we dress can also impact how others perceive us. First impressions are often based on appearance, and people may judge us based on what we wear. Therefore, it is important to dress appropriately for different occasions. For example, wearing casual clothes to a formal event may give the impression of disrespect or lack of effort.

However, dressing appropriately does not mean sacrificing personal style. We can still express ourselves through fashion while being mindful of the occasion and appropriate dress code. Creativity and individuality can be showcased through unique accessories or subtle touches to an outfit.

In conclusion, wearing the right clothes is about finding a balance between personal comfort, appropriate dress code, and personal style. It is important to consider all three factors in order to make a good impression and feel confident in any situation.






❶ 我花了很长时间挑选衣服。It took me a long time to select my clothes.

对话 A: I have been waiting for you for half an hour. 我都等了你半个小时了。

B: I'm really sorry. It took me a long time to select my clothes. 抱歉,我花了很长时间挑选衣服。

❷ 我看上去怎么样?How do I look?

同类表达 How do you like it? 你觉得怎么样?

这样回答 It looks great on you. 你穿着很合适。

❸ 很难选择适合这种场合的衣服。It's hard to choose what to wear for this occasion.

同类表达 I don't have clothes for this occasion. 我没有适合这个场合穿的衣服。

❹ 你把T恤穿反了。You put your T-shirt on backwards.

同类表达 You're wearing your T-shirt inside out. 你的T恤穿反了。

It's upside down. 上下颠倒了。

❺ 我没有熨好的衬衫。I don't have an ironed shirt.

❻ 它和你的肤色很配哦。It goes well with your skin.

同类表达 This overcoat matches your shirt in color. 这件大衣和你衬衫颜色很配。

Blue is not a good color for you. 蓝色不适合你。

❼ 我正在找条腰带来配我的牛仔裤。I am looking for a belt to match my jeans.

同类表达 I'd like to buy a belt to go with my new jeans. 我想买一条腰带配我的新牛仔裤。

❽ 我不知道穿哪双鞋来配这条裤子。I don't know which shoes fit these trousers.

对话 A: I don't know which shoes fit these trousers. 我不知道穿哪双鞋来配这条裤子。

B: It's good to wear causal shoes. 休闲鞋就很好啊。

❾ 我忘了把外套从干洗店拿回来了。I forgot to pick up my coat from the laundry.

对话 A: Gosh, I forgot to pick up my coat from the laundry. 糟了,我忘记把外套从干洗店拿回来了。

B: We can get it next time. 我们可以下次去取。

❿ 我不知道穿什么好。I've no idea about what to wear.

同类表达 I can't find the right clothes to wear. 我找不到合适的衣服穿。
