高铁(High-speed rail)

英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-29  

高铁(High-speed rail)是指设计时速在250公里/小时以上,实际运营时速在200公里/小时以上的铁路运输系统。这种铁路系统以其高速、准时、舒适、环保等特点,成为现代交通工具中的一种重要形式。 



  京沪高铁:Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway

  实名制:real-name system

  网上订票系统:online ticket-booking system

  打击黄牛:foil/crack down on scalpers

  试运行:trial operation

  预检:preliminary check

  缓解交通:ease the transportation strain




China currently boasts the largest and fastest high-speed railway network in the world. The operating speed of high-speed trains will continue to increase, and more cities will build high-speed railway stations. High-speed rail has significantly shortened people's travel time. Compared to airplanes, the prominent advantage of high-speed trains lies in their punctuality, as they are largely unaffected by weather or traffic control. High-speed rail has dramatically altered the lifestyle of Chinese people. Nowadays, it has become the preferred mode of transportation for many people on business trips. An increasing number of individuals are also choosing to travel by high-speed rail during holidays. Furthermore, quite a few young people opt to work in one city while residing in a neighboring city, commuting daily by high-speed rail.


  • boast:拥有(值得自豪的事物),此处表示中国拥有世界上最大和最快的高速铁路网。

  • punctuality:准时性,描述高铁不受天气和交通管制影响,能准时到达的优势。

  • dramatically altered:极大地改变了,强调高铁对中国人生活方式变革的深远影响。

  • preferred mode of transportation:首选交通工具,表明高铁在商务旅行中的受欢迎程度。

  • commute:通勤,指定期往返于住处和工作地之间的行为,这里特指乘坐高铁通勤。