ol 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This is a caring friend for ol ' cadres , ' claimed one advertisement for the red pad posted online .
- 网上一则“红派壹号”的广告称,它是老干部的贴心人。
- So they put him I n a sc ho ol I n mo ntreal .
- 他们把他藏在一个学校,在蒙特利尔。
- An ol dissue of " homes and gardens " lay on the table .
- 一本过期的《家庭与花园》杂志放在桌上。
- Memsaab doesn 't have a cook in ol joro orok ?
- 太太在这里没厨子?
- Ol doinyo lengai is a maverick .
- 伦盖伊火山别具一格。
- I saw that same look ol astonishment on kamal and wali 's faces as they too saw what had happened behind me .
- 我看见瓦里和卡莫也看着我身后,眼里同样带着震惊的神色。
- Now it just stands for boys giving priests a good ol beej .
- 而现在,他只代表一个男孩正在为祭司……
- A stream of neon-orange lava cascades down ol doinyo lengai , in tanzania 's great rift valley .
- 坦桑尼亚大裂谷,大量氖橘色岩浆瀑布顺流直下伦盖伊火山。
- Conclusions modified argon laser peripheral iridoplasty is an effective method lor treatment ol middle and later stages ol closure angle glaucoma .
- 结论改良氩激光周边虹膜成形术是治疗中、晚期闭角型青光眼的有效方法之一。
- But we know the dollar isn 't just any ol ' currency and the best way to maintain the dollar 's premier status is to get the u. s.economy growing again , and that 's what I 'm trying to do . "
- 但我们知道美元不仅是在线外汇交易的货币,维持美元优势地位的最佳方法是使美国经济再次增长,这正是我努力做的。