- 生物化学家小田裕子(yukooda,音)和旧金山退伍军人医疗中心以及旧金山加利福尼亚大学(universityofcalifornia)的一个团队最近发现了一种似乎会抑制受体活动的名为med的微粒。
- Biochemist yuko oda and a team at the va medical center san francisco and the university of california , san francisco , recently found a molecule , called med , that appears to suppress the actions of the receptor .
- 后来,主要人物(除了博罗斯)50年代中期在旧金山解散,同时他们和“旧金山复兴派”的主要成员会面并成为了朋友。
- Later , the central figures ( with the exception of burroughs ) ended up together in san francisco in the mid-1950s where they met and became friends with figures associated with the san francisco renaissance .
- 旧金山湾地区的城市规划专家正在考虑加高城市滨水区边上的海堤,以及旧金山和奥克兰机场的防洪堤。
- In the san francisco bay area , planners are considering increasing the height of the seawall on the city 's waterfront and the levees at the san francisco and oakland airports .