
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-30  



  1. Veteran Actor

    • 这是最直接的翻译,"veteran"在这里表示"资深的"或"经验丰富的"。

    • 例句:The crafty and calculating public security chief and villain of the show, played by veteran actor Xu Yajun.

  2. Old-Timer

    • 通常用来指那些在某个领域或行业中资历较深的人。

    • 例句:No old-timer will touch us.

  3. Past Master

    • 指在某个领域或技艺上达到了极高水平的人。

    • 例句:Joe is a past master at getting invitations to parties.

  4. Old Hand

    • 指在某个工作或活动中非常熟练的人。

    • 例句:He was an old hand at the job.

  5. Stager / Old Stager

    • 特别用来形容在戏剧或电影界经验丰富的人。

    • 例句:Chen Daoming is an old stager in the Chinese film world.

  6. A Man of the World

    • 指那些见多识广、经验丰富的人。

    • 例句:He began to feel that he was a man of the world.


  1. Seasoned

    • "Seasoned"原意是"经过风干的",引申为"经验丰富的"。

    • 例句:a seasoned campaigner

  2. Experienced

    • 直接表示"经验丰富的"。

    • 例句:She is very experienced in marketing.

  3. Sophisticated

    • 形容人时,表示"精于世故的"或"老练的"。

    • 例句:He is a sophisticated businessman.
