
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-30  



  1. yummy - 听起来可爱,常用于口语,尤其受小朋友喜爱。

    • 例句:Just look at those yummy-looking tomatoes!

  2. tasty - 通用表达,强调味道好。

    • 例句:Although it is tasty, crab is very filling.

  3. lip-smacking - 形容食物诱人到让人想要吧唧嘴。

    • 例句:The roast duck is very lip-smacking.

  4. appetizing - 促进食欲,形容食物开胃。

    • 例句:Seafood is always so appetizing.

  5. mouth-watering - 闻着香、看着美,让人垂涎欲滴。

    • 例句:There were plenty of mouth-watering, delicious food on the table.

  6. delectable - 美味的,令人愉快的。

    • 例句:He ate every savoury morsel of a delectable stew.

  7. finger-licking good - 回味无穷,常用来形容快餐如炸鸡。

    • 例句:This fried chicken is finger-licking good.

  8. flavorful - 口味丰富,形容食物有味道。

    • 例句:Some Americans pop across the border for flavorful Mexican food.

  9. toothsome - 美味的,常用来形容食物让人忍不住用牙齿享受。

    • 例句:The family dish is toothsome.

  10. good-tasting - 直接表达口感好。

    • 例句:Provide good-tasting alternatives with less alcohol.

  11. luscious - 香甜,甘美,常用来形容水果或甜品。

    • 例句:He enjoyed the luscious fruit.

  12. palatable - 美味的,可口的。

    • 例句:This dish is quite palatable.

  13. savory - 可口的,风味极佳的。

    • 例句:There were huge, savory hunks of meat for lunch.

  14. scrumptious - 美味的,绝妙的。

    • 例句:He noticed a scrumptious-looking platter.

  15. out of this world - 极好,形容食物好到难以置信。

    • 例句:The food grandma prepared is out of this world.

  16. Words cannot describe how delicious this food is! - 当食物美味到无法用语言表达时使用。

    • 例句:Words cannot describe how delicious this food is!
