
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-30  



Purchase: 购买

Bookstore: 书店

Online Platform: 在线平台

Hardcover: 精装书

Paperback: 平装书

Bestseller: 畅销书

Collection: 收藏

Genre: 类别

ISBN: 国际标准书号

Review: 书评

Discount: 折扣

Promotion: 促销

E-book: 电子书


The act of buying books is a treasured experience for many. It's not just the acquisition of a physical object, but also the anticipation of the knowledge and stories that await within. Bookstores, with their distinct aroma of paper and ink, are havens for book lovers. The rows of shelves filled with various genres offer an endless exploration of the world's literature.

Online platforms have revolutionized the way we purchase books, providing convenience and a vast selection. The ability to read reviews and compare prices adds to the decision-making process. Additionally, the rise of e-books has introduced a new dimension to the reading experience, allowing for instant access and portability.

Buying books, whether for personal enjoyment or academic purposes, enriches our lives. It expands our horizons, stimulates our minds, and provides a source of comfort and inspiration. The joy of finding a new favorite author or the perfect book for a friend is immeasurable.

In conclusion, buying books is more than a transaction; it's a journey into the world of ideas and imagination. It's a way to connect with authors, characters, and stories that can shape our perspectives and enrich our lives.






❶ 这是我们书店的畅销书。This is the best-seller in our store.

同类表达 It's one of the world's best-sellers. 这可是全球畅销书之一。

❷ 稍等,我帮您查一下。Hold on, let me check.

同类表达 Found it. We still have several copies here. 查到了。我们这儿还有几本。

对话 A: Excuse me, do you have this book? 请问,你们有这本书吗?

B: Hold on, let me check. 稍等,我帮您查一下。

❸ 这本书还有吗?Do you have any other copies?

同类表达 Is that the only copy on the shelf? 架子上就只有这一本吗?

这样回答 We don't have that much in stock right now. 我们现在库存没有那么多。

❹ 这本书何时会到?When will you have this book in stock?

同类表达 Would you like us to order it for you? 要不要我们帮你订购一本?

这样回答 We'll have an order with new copies of this book in four days. 我们四天内就会进货。

对话 A: When will you have this book in stock? 这本书何时会到?

B: It's hard to say. 很难说。

❺ 我一直在找这本书。I've been looking for this book.

同类表达 When we have enough copies, I'll call you. 货到了我通知您。

❻ 您在找哪种类型的书?What kind of book are you looking for?

同类表达 The books that you're looking for are upstairs on the second floor. 你要找的书在二楼。

这样回答 I'm looking for the book about economy. 我正在找有关经济的书。

I need a book about history. 我需要一本历史方面的书。

❼ 全场的书打六五折。There's a 35% discount on all books.

同类表达 We're having a sale in our store. 我们书店正在搞促销。

❽ 请问您有会员卡吗?Do you have a membership card?

同类表达 There's a 20% discount for members only. 只有会员才可以打八折。

❾ 你能帮我推荐几本好书吗?Could you show me a few good books?

对话 A: Could you show me a few good books? 你能帮我推荐几本好书吗?

B: How about this one? It is newly published and sells well. 这本怎么样?它是最近才出版的,而且卖得挺好的。

❿ 这本书封面破损了。The cover of this book is damaged.

同类表达 The printing of the last pages is very poor; I can't read it at all. 后面几页印得很模糊,根本看不清。