
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-15  


1. Hello (你好)

- Example: Hello, my name is Emma.

2. Goodbye (再见)

- Example: Goodbye, see you tomorrow!

3. Thank you (谢谢你)

- Example: Thank you for helping me.

4. Please (请)

- Example: Can you please pass me the crayons?

5. Sorry (对不起)

- Example: I'm sorry for breaking your toy.

6. Yes (是的)

- Example: Yes, I would like some juice, please.

7. No (不)

- Example: No, I don't want to play outside.

8. Friend (朋友)

- Example: Sarah is my best friend.

9. Family (家庭)

- Example: I love spending time with my family.

10. School (学校)

- Example: We go to school every day.

11. Book (书)

- Example: I like reading storybooks.

12. Pen (钢笔)

- Example: Can I borrow your pen, please?

13. Pencil (铅笔)

- Example: I need a pencil to draw.

14. Bag (书包)

- Example: Put your books in your bag.

15. Chair (椅子)

- Example: Please sit on the chair.

16. Table (桌子)

- Example: Put your notebook on the table.

17. Fruit (水果)

- Example: Apples and oranges are my favorite fruits.

18. Vegetable (蔬菜)

- Example: Carrots and broccoli are healthy vegetables.

19. Toy (玩具)

- Example: I have a teddy bear as my favorite toy.

20. Game (游戏)

- Example: Let's play a game of hide and seek.


1. 词汇(Vocabulary):I have a book.(我有一本书。)

2. 名词(Noun):The cat is cute.(这只猫很可爱。)

3. 动词(Verb):She sings beautifully.(她唱得很美。)

4. 形容词(Adjective):It is a big house.(这是一间大房子。)

5. 副词(Adverb):He runs quickly.(他跑得很快。)

6. 代词(Pronoun):I love my mom. She is kind.(我爱我的妈妈。她很善良。)

7. 冠词(Article):I have an apple.(我有一个苹果。)

8. 介词(Preposition):The book is on the table.(书在桌子上。)

9. 连词(Conjunction):I like apples and oranges.(我喜欢苹果和橙子。)

10. 数词(Numeral):There are five birds in the tree.(树上有五只鸟。)

11. 句子(Sentence):She is reading a book.(她正在看书。)

12. 主语(Subject):Tom is my friend.(汤姆是我的朋友。)

13. 谓语(Predicate):The cat is sleeping.(猫正在睡觉。)

14. 宾语(Object):He kicked the ball.(他踢了球。)

15. 定语(Attributive):I have a red car.(我有一辆红色的车。)

16. 状语(Adverbial):She ran to school.(她跑去学校。)

17. 人称代词(Personal Pronoun):I am happy.(我很开心。)

18. 物主代词(Possessive Pronoun):This is my book.(这是我的书。)

19. 反身代词(Reflexive Pronoun):She hurt herself.(她伤到了自己。)

20. 疑问代词(Interrogative Pronoun):Who is that girl?(那个女孩是谁?)

21. 不定代词(Indefinite Pronoun):Everybody loves ice cream.(每个人都喜欢冰淇淋。)

22. 简单句(Simple Sentence):He plays soccer.(他踢足球。)

23. 并列句(Compound Sentence):I like pizza, but I don't like hamburgers.(我喜欢比萨,但不喜欢汉堡包。)

24. 复合句(Complex Sentence):She studied hard because she wanted to pass the exam.(她努力学习,因为她想通过考试。)

25. 主动语态(Active Voice):They built a sandcastle.(他们建了一个沙堡。)

26. 被动语态(Passive Voice):The cake was eaten by them.(蛋糕被他们吃了。)

27. 一般现在时(Simple Present):I go to school every day.(我每天去学校。)

28. 一般过去时(Simple Past):She visited her grandparents last weekend.(她上周末去看她的祖父母。)

29. 一般将来时(Simple Future):We will have a party next week.(下周我们将举行一个派对。)

30. 现在进行时(Present Continuous):They are playing basketball in the park.(他们正在公园里打篮球。)

31. 过去进行时(Past Continuous):He was watching TV when I called him.(当我给他打电话时,他正在看电视。)

32. 现在完成时(Present Perfect):She has already finished her homework.(她已经完成了她的家庭作业。)

33. 过去完成时(Past Perfect):I had never been to Beijing before.(我以前从未去过北京。)

34. 将来完成时(Future Perfect):By this time next year, I will have graduated from university.(到明年这个时候,我将已经大学毕业了。)

35. 可数名词(Countable Noun):I have two cats.(我有两只猫。)

36. 不可数名词(Uncountable Noun):I drink milk every morning.(我每天早上喝牛奶。)

37. 单数形式(Singular Form):The dog is cute.(这只狗很可爱。)

38. 复数形式(Plural Form):The dogs are playing in the park.(狗们在公园里玩耍。)

39. 句子结构(Sentence Structure):Subject + Verb + Object(主语 + 谓语 + 宾语)

40. 简单介词短语(Simple Prepositional Phrase):She is sitting on the chair.(她坐在椅子上。)

41. 时间介词短语(Time Prepositional Phrase):We have a party at 7 o'clock.(我们7点钟有一个派对。)

42. 地点介词短语(Place Prepositional Phrase):The book is under the table.(书在桌子下面。)

43. 方式介词短语(Manner Prepositional Phrase):He walks with confidence.(他自信地走着。)

44. 原因介词短语(Cause Prepositional Phrase):She cried because of the sad movie.(她因为那部悲伤的电影而哭了。)

45. 结果介词短语(Result Prepositional Phrase):He was tired as a result of the long journey.(由于长途旅行,他很累。)

46. 定语从句(Relative Clause):The girl who is wearing a blue dress is my sister.(穿蓝色连衣裙的女孩是我妹妹。)

47. 状语从句(Adverbial Clause):I will visit you when I have time.(我有时间时会来看你。)

48. 名词性从句(Noun Clause):What he said made me happy.(他说的话让我很开心。)

49. 比较级(Comparative Degree):She is taller than her sister.(她比她姐姐高。