
英语作文    发布时间:2025-03-21  


  1. 气候现象

    • Global warming 全球变暖

    • Climate change 气候变化

    • Greenhouse effect 温室效应

    • Carbon dioxide (CO₂) 二氧化碳

    • Fossil fuels 化石燃料(coal煤炭, oil石油, natural gas天然气)

  2. 自然影响

    • Melting glaciers 冰川融化

    • Rising sea levels 海平面上升

    • Extreme weather 极端天气(heatwave热浪, drought干旱)

  3. 人类活动

    • Deforestation 森林砍伐

    • Industrial pollution 工业污染

    • Carbon footprint 碳足迹(个人/企业产生的碳排放量)

  4. 解决方案

    • Renewable energy 可再生能源(solar energy太阳能, wind power风能)

    • Reduce emissions 减少排放

    • Recycle 回收利用


  1. 动词+名词组合

    • accelerate global warming 加速全球变暖

    • release greenhouse gases 释放温室气体

    • protect the environment 保护环境

  2. 形容词+名词组合

    • alarming temperature rise 令人担忧的气温上升

    • irreversible damage 不可逆的损害

    • environmentally friendly 环保的

  3. 因果关系表达

    • lead to/conduce to 导致(The burning of fossil fuels leads to air pollution.)

    • result in 造成(Deforestation results in loss of habitats.)


  1. 数据引用句式

    • According to a UN report, the Earth’s temperature has risen by 1.1°C since the 19th century.

  2. 建议措施句式

    • It is essential that governments take immediate action to limit CO₂ emissions.

  3. 被动语态强调客观性

    • The Arctic ice is shrinking at an unprecedented rate due to global warming.


  1. 词性混淆

    • ❌ Wrong: We need to reduction plastic use.

    • ✅ Correct: We need to reduce plastic use.
      → reduction是名词,reduce是动词

  2. 冠词误用

    • ❌ Wrong: The climate change is a serious problem.

    • ✅ Correct: Climate change is a serious problem.
      → 抽象概念(climate change)前不加the

  3. 重复累赘

    • ❌ Weak: The melting of the ice is caused by the rising of the temperature.

    • ✅ Better: Ice melting is caused by rising temperatures.
      → 用名词短语(ice melting)替代of结构,更简洁


  1. 词汇联想游戏

    • 让学生用“全球变暖”相关词绘制思维导图,例如:
      Global warming → CO₂ → cars → traffic jam → air pollution

  2. 角色扮演辩论

    • I strongly believe that...(我坚信...)

    • On the contrary...(相反...)

    • 分组讨论:Should all countries stop using fossil fuels immediately?

    • 提供模版句:

  3. 数据图表分析

    • The graph shows a sharp increase from 2000 to 2020.

    • CO₂ levels reached a peak in 2023.

    • 展示近百年气温变化曲线图,让学生用英语描述趋势:


  1. 同义词替换表

    bad → detrimental(有害的)
    important →crucial(至关重要的)
  2. 纪录片推荐

    • "The planet has a fever."(地球在发烧)→ 拟人化修辞

    • An Inconvenient Truth(《难以忽视的真相》)

    • 学习影片中的经典表达:"The planet has a fever."(地球在发烧)→ 拟人化修辞