

belief 变化形式
复数: beliefs
belief 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This belief is driving another risky bet .
- 这种信念推动了另一个冒险的做法。
- Apocalyptic belief renews itself in ingenious ways .
- 末日天启信仰以各种独出心裁的方式重现于世。
- Thomas jefferson represented the belief in equality .
- 托马斯.杰斐逊代表着平等的信念。
- How strong is barack obama 's belief in free trade ?
- 巴拉克奥巴马对于贸易自由的信念有多强烈?
- Plenty of laws in america trump religious belief .
- 美国的许多法律都比宗教信仰更具权威。
- Faith is belief in what you cannot see or prove or touch .
- 信仰是去相信你看不见、证明不了、摸不着的东西。
- Running through the report is belief in the role of an engaged government .
- 这篇报告贯穿始终的要点,是相信政府参与的作用。
- But investors do seem to have developed a worrying belief in us exceptionalism .
- 投资者看上去真的相信美国可以成为例外,这个趋势挺让人担心。
- He had the belief that as a husband , he was now the breadwinner .
- 作为一名丈夫,他相信,现在他是养家糊口的人。
- That belief worsened slightly this year .
- 这种看法今年又略有加重。