英语初学者日记范文:My Happy Day (我快乐的一天)​

英语作文    发布时间:2025-03-21  

My Happy Day (我快乐的一天)
Monday, June 10th, 2024  Sunny
Today was a wonderful day! In the morning, I ate toast with strawberry jam for breakfast. My mother said it was healthy. Then I went to school by bus with my best friend Lily.

At school, we learned new words: "sunflower", "cloud" and "rainbow". Miss Chen taught us a song: "You are my sunshine". I sang it loudly because sunshine makes people happy.

After school, I played hopscotch with my friends in the park. We counted numbers in English: "One, two, three... ten!". When I got home, Dad helped me water the plants. Look! My little sunflower is growing taller!

Today I felt as bright as the sunshine!

1. 基础句型结构
主系表结构:Today was wonderful. (今天很棒)
→ 公式:主语(Today)+ be动词(was)+ 形容词(wonderful)
主谓宾结构:I ate toast. (我吃了吐司)
→ 公式:主语(I)+ 动词过去式(ate)+ 宾语(toast)

2. 动词短语积累

  • 固定搭配:
    go to school(去上学)
    learn new words(学新单词)
    play hopscotch(跳房子游戏)

  • 过去式变化:
    eat → ate(吃)
    teach → taught(教)
    sing → sang(唱)

3. 时间顺序表达

  • 时间副词:in the morning(早上)→ then(然后)→ after school(放学后)→ when(当...时)

  • 时间轴图示:
    早餐 → 上学 → 学歌 → 放学 → 游戏 → 回家

4. 自然类词汇扩展

  • 天气符号:sunny(晴天)→ 可替换rainy(雨天)/cloudy(多云)

  • 自然事物:

5. 比喻句型

  • 明喻结构:as...as...(像...一样)
    → I felt as bright as the sunshine.(我像阳光一样明亮)

  • 同类替换:as happy as a bird(像小鸟一样快乐)

6. 生活细节描写

  • 食物描述:toast with strawberry jam(草莓酱吐司)

  • 亲子互动:water the plants(给植物浇水)

  • 成长观察:is growing taller(正在长高)

7. 感官动词运用

  • 视觉描写:Look!(看!)

  • 听觉描写:sang loudly(大声唱)

  • 情感描写:felt happy(感到快乐)

8. 数字与游戏结合

  • 数数应用:跳房子时用英语数数(one到ten)

  • 游戏名称:hopscotch(跳房子)→ 文化对比:中国"跳房子" vs 西方hopscotch


  1. 填空式写作:给出框架让学生补充不同内容
    例:Today I ate _______. I played _______ with _______.

  2. 替换练习:用不同天气/食物/游戏替换原文词汇

  3. 绘画日记:让学生画图并标注英文关键词(如画出☀️标注sunny)

  4. 角色扮演:用玩偶模拟日记场景并说简单句(This is Lily. We go to school.)

  5. 语音训练:重点练习/th/发音(如three, weather)和元音(如sun, bus)