- 有人可能会说我的《四件情人节最不可错过的艺术作品》有点儿不够刺激,甚至有点儿陈腐,有点儿老一套,但这就是情人节。
- My top five works of art for valentine 's day are a bit soft-centred , some might say , a bit corny and a bit cliched even - but that 's valentine 's day for you .
- 情人节起源于瓦伦丁(valentine),他是一个主教(现实生活中的丘比特),在罗马君主克劳狄二世统治期间秘密为战士举行婚礼。
- Valentine 's day originates with valentine , a bishop ( and a real-life cupid ) , who secretly performed wedding ceremonies for soldiers during the reign of roman emperor claudius ii .
- 要像躲瘟疫一样避开母亲节或者情人节之类的。
- Avoid mother 's day and valentine 's day like the black plague .