lai 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But lai is serenely unperturbed by competition from the likes of tesco , carrefour and wal-mart .
- 但是,赖先生对于来自像乐购、家乐福和沃尔玛的竞争并不担忧。
- After mr. lai died , foxconn workers drove to mr. lai 's hometown and delivered a box of ashes .
- 在赖先生离逝后,富士康的工人们驱车前往赖先生的老家并送回一盒骨灰。
- Two hours into mr. lai 's second shift , the building started to shake , as if an earthquake was under way .
- 赖先生的第二个班次上了两小时后,整幢大楼开始晃动,好像发生了地震。
- When mr. lai finally landed a job repairing machines at the plant , one of the first things he noticed were the almost blinding lights .
- 当赖先生终于找到了这一份在工厂修理机器的工作后,首先引起他注意的一件事便是眼前亮得刺眼的灯光。
- " Increasing foreign investments are expected to create job openings to locals , " lai said .
- “不断增加外国投资预计可创造就业机会给本地人,”赖说。
- Mr. lai 's college degree enabled him to earn a salary of around $ 22 a day , including overtime - more than many others .
- 赖先生因有大学文凭,他每日挣约22美元,包括加班时间比许多工友多得多。
- Over at tsuen lee , mr lai even sees an opportunity in the scandals that have embroiled some of his company 's peers and competitors .
- 而在全利(tsuenlee),赖先生甚至认为,这些牵涉到公司同业企业及竞争对手的丑闻蕴藏着机会。
- " He 's in trouble , " the caller told mr. lai 's father . " Get to the hospital as soon as possible . "
- 来电者告之赖先生的父亲“他遇到了一些麻烦,尽快到医院来。”
- " Electronics companies are trying to figure out how to deal with the higher costs , " says jenny lai , a technology analyst at clsa , an investment bank based in hong kong . " They 're already squeezed , so squeezing more costs out of the system won 't be easy . "
- “电子公司正在试图搞明白如何解决成本的提高,”一家总部设于香港的投资银行里昂证券(亚洲)的技术分析师珍妮赖说道,“他们已然榨干了成本,所以想自生产体系中再榨取更多就没那么轻松了。”
- For mr. lai 's family , questions remain .
- 赖先生的家人仍心存疑虑。