Rhode 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Luxurious living in newport rhode island .
- 奢侈的生活罗得岛纽波特。
- He 's going to the rhode island school of design .
- 他就要去罗得岛州学校学设计了。
- Only about 4 % of buildings in rhode island-residential or commercial-have such cover .
- 然而罗得岛只有4%的建筑(民宅或商铺)拥有此类保险。
- Ms rhode sees the hurdles , but argues that they can be dealt with .
- 罗德女士看到了障碍,但是认为那是能被解决的。
- In the summer many residents head to cape cod and newport beach , rhode island .
- 一到夏天,许多居民就前往科德角、纽波特海滩和罗德岛。
- In mid-february 2010 , the rhode island-sized iceberg b-09b collided with the protruding mertz glacier tongue along the george v coast .
- 在2010年的2月中旬,与罗得岛大小相仿的冰山b-09b与默茨冰川舌的突出部分,沿着乔治五世海岸相互碰撞。
- Rhode island philharmonic : view our financial reports .
- 匹兹堡交响乐团:查看我们的财务报告。
- Completed , her haul from the victories in texas , ohio and rhode island
- 昨晚,希拉里克林顿在德克萨斯和俄亥俄两州取得大胜。
- Rhode island may consider gay marriage as well , and already recognises unions performed elsewhere .
- 罗德岛也可能考虑认可同性婚姻,该州已经认可了已经在其他州结合了的同性婚姻。
- For example , he writes that if sea level rises three feet , which many scientists consider likely by the end of the century , the islands that line the coast from rhode island to texas could meet the same fate as isle derniere .
- 例如,他写道,如果海平面上升3英尺(许多科学家认为本世纪末就可能会发生),沿rhode小岛到德克萨斯的海岸线的小岛们就会遭到和derniere小岛一样的命运。