“The grey mare is the better horse.”不是“灰色母马是更好的马。”

所属栏目:每日翻译    发布时间:2023-04-26       浏览:1538

The grey mare is the better horse. 【误译】灰色母马是更好的马。 【正确】妻子胜过丈夫。 说明:The grey mare is the better horse是谚语,意为“妻子胜过丈夫”。 "the grey mare is the better horse"是一个英语习语,通常用于比喻女性在某种情况下比男性更强大或更有优势。它可以用来描述一种竞争,例如职场上的竞争,也可以用来形容一个关系中的力量平衡,例如夫妻关系或者团队合作。 以下是两个例句: 1. In the office, it's often said that the grey mare is the better horse, meaning that women tend to be more efficient and effective workers than men. (在办公室里,人们经常说 "灰色的母马是更好的马",意思是女性往往比男性更高效、更有效率。) 2. In this relationship, it's clear that the grey mare is the better horse - my wife is the one who really runs the show! (在这种关系中,很明显 "灰色的母马是更好的马" - 我的妻子才是真正的掌舵者!)