
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-23  



1. Doctor's orders - 医嘱

2. Prescription - 处方

3. Medication - 药物

4. Dosage - 剂量

5. Frequency - 频率

6. Route of administration - 给药途径

7. Duration - 用药时间

8. Dietary restrictions - 饮食限制

9. Activity restrictions - 活动限制

10. Follow-up appointment - 复诊预约

11. Rest - 休息

12. Hydration - 补充水分

13. Allergy - 过敏

14. Incision care - 切口护理

15. Wound care - 伤口护理

16. Vital signs monitoring - 监测生命体征

17. Intravenous (IV) therapy - 静脉治疗

18. Oral intake - 口服摄入

19. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - 非甾体抗炎药

20. Antibiotics - 抗生素


Doctor: Good morning, I'm Dr. Smith. How are you feeling today?

患者: Good morning, Doctor. I'm still feeling a bit weak.



Doctor: I see. I'm going to prescribe some medication for you. Make sure you take it as directed.


Patient: What's the dosage and how often should I take it?


Doctor: You'll take one tablet twice a day with food. Also, I recommend you to rest for the next few days and drink plenty of fluids.


Patient: Can I go back to work after a few days?


Doctor: It's best to take it easy for at least a week. We'll see how you progress and then decide.



In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook the importance of adhering to doctor's orders. However, following medical advice is crucial for recovery and maintaining good health.

When a doctor prescribes medication, it's essential to understand the dosage, frequency, and duration of the treatment. Misuse of medication can lead to adverse effects or even exacerbate the condition. For instance, not taking antibiotics as prescribed can result in antibiotic resistance, making it harder to treat infections in the future.

Dietary and activity restrictions are also common医嘱 that should not be taken lightly. For patients recovering from surgery or managing chronic conditions like diabetes, adhering to these restrictions can significantly impact their health outcomes. For example, a patient with diabetes who doesn't control their sugar intake may experience unmanageable blood sugar levels.

In conclusion, doctor's orders are not just suggestions; they are guidelines for a healthy recovery. It's our responsibility as patients to follow these instructions diligently to ensure our well-being.






❶ 吃些药,卧床休息几天。Take some medicine and stay in bed for some days.

❷ 你需要卧床休息几天。All you need is a few days in bed.

对话 A: I am tired and feel dizzy these days. 这些天我感到疲惫,还有些头晕。

B: You worked too hard. All you need is a few days in bed. 你工作太辛苦了,需要卧床休息几天。

❸ 你每天都要量血压并把数据记录下来。You have to measure the blood pressure and record it every day.

对话 A: What should I do after leaving hospital? 出院之后,我需要怎么做?

B: You have to measure the blood pressure and record it every day. 你每天都要量血压并把数据记录下来。

❹ 保持运动习惯。Be regular in exercise.

同类表达 You should start to control your diet. 你要开始控制一下饮食。

Maintain an appropriate body weight. 维持适当的体重。

❺ 适量的运动可以促进身体对钙质的吸收。Exercising regularly can help body absorb the calcium.

对话 A: What benefits can exercising make? 运动有什么好处?

B: Exercising regularly can help body absorb the calcium. 适量的运动可以促进身体对钙质的吸收。

❻ 不要吃海鲜和动物内脏。Avoid seafood and animal intestines.

对话 A: What kinds of food are prohibited after surgery? 术后不能吃哪些食物?

B: Avoid seafood and animal intestines. 不要吃海鲜和动物内脏。

❼ 心情要平静,这样血压才不会上升。Stay calm so that your blood pressure won't go up.

❽ 最近不要提重物。Don't carry anything heavy recently.

对话 A: What's your advice after taking this cast off? 脱了石膏之后,您有什么特别要嘱咐的吗?

B: Don't carry anything heavy recently. 最近不要提重物。

❾ 你要小心一些成人病。You have to be careful of adult disease.

对话 A: What should I be especially careful of? 我要特别注意些什么?

B: You have to be careful of adult disease. 你要小心一些成人病。

❿ 麻药退之前不要吃东西。Don't eat anything until the anesthetic goes away.

对话 A: What should I pay attention to? 我应该注意什么?

B: Don't eat anything until the anesthetic goes away. 麻药退之前不要吃东西。