
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-12  



Medical consultation (医疗咨询)

Appointment (预约)

Clinic (诊所)

Hospital (医院)

Diagnosis (诊断)

Treatment (治疗)

Prescription (处方)

Medication (药物)

Check-up (体检)

Emergency room (急诊室)

Ward (病房)

Operation/Surgery (手术)

Physical examination (体格检查)

Health insurance (健康保险)

Outpatient (门诊病人)

Inpatient (住院病人)

Doctor's note (医生证明)

Sick leave (病假)

Therapy (治疗)

Rehabilitation (康复)


It's important to make an appointment before visiting the doctor. (在看医生前预约是很重要的。)

The clinic offers a variety of services for routine check-ups. (诊所提供多种常规体检服务。)

If you experience severe symptoms, you should go directly to the emergency room. (如果你出现严重症状,应该直接去急诊室。)

The doctor will give you a prescription after the diagnosis. (诊断后医生会给你开处方。)

Regular health check-ups can help detect potential health issues early. (定期健康体检有助于早期发现潜在的健康问题。)


Seeking medical attention is an essential part of maintaining good health. When we feel unwell or suspect that something may be wrong with our health, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional.


The process of seeking medical help typically begins with scheduling an appointment with a general practitioner or a specialist, depending on the symptoms. During the consultation, the doctor will conduct a physical examination, ask about medical history, and may order further tests to reach a diagnosis.


Once a treatment plan is established, it may involve medication, therapy, or in some cases, surgery. It's important to follow the doctor's instructions carefully and to keep up with any prescribed treatments.


In today's digital age, telemedicine has become increasingly popular, allowing patients to consult with doctors remotely. This can be especially beneficial for those living in remote areas or for follow-up appointments.


Overall, timely medical consultation and adherence to treatment are key to recovery and maintaining overall well-being. With advancements in healthcare, the process of seeking medical attention continues to evolve, making it more accessible and efficient for everyone.



❶ 我想知道挂号处在哪儿。I'd like to know where the registration office is.

同类表达 Where should I register? 我应该到哪儿去挂号?

I want to register. 我要挂号。

❷ 我该看哪个科的医生?What type of doctor should I see?

对话 A: What type of doctor should I see? 我该看哪个科的医生?

B: You need to see the physician. 你应该看内科。

❸ 这位医生今天已被预约了。The doctor is already booked today.

对话 A: Can I make an appointment with Doctor Smith this afternoon? 我能预约史密斯医生今天下午的时间吗?

B: Sorry, Doctor Smith is already booked today. 抱歉,史密斯医生今天已被预约了。

❹ 要等多久?How long will the wait be?

对话 A: How long will the wait be? 要等多久?

B: About one hour. 大约一个小时。

❺ 我约了医生四点钟看病。I have an appointment with the doctor at four o'clock.

对话 A: May I help you? 有什么可以帮您的吗?

B: I have an appointment with the doctor at four o'clock. 我约了医生四点钟看病。

❻ 医生在等你。The doctor is ready for you now.

对话 A: When can I see the doctor ? 我什么时候可以看医生?

B: Follow me, the doctor is ready for you now. 跟我来,医生在等你。

❼ 我的伤口需要缝针。My cut requires stitches.

对话 A: My cut requires stitches. 我的伤口需要缝针。

B: Okay, we will send a doctor for you. 好的,我们会为您安排一位医生。

❽ 我出疹子了。I've got a break-out.

同类表达 My skin is breaking out.

I think I've got a rash.

❾ 我吃火锅会拉肚子。I have diarrhea whenever I eat hot pot.

同类表达 I have loose bowels. 我拉肚子。

❿ 我发烧了。I feel feverish.

同类表达 I have a temperature.

I'm running a fever.