
英语作文    发布时间:2024-12-17  



  1. Dismiss - 解雇

    Example: The company decided to dismiss the employee due to poor performance.

    翻译: 公司决定因表现不佳而解雇员工。

  2. Terminate - 终止雇佣关系

    Example: She was terminated from her position after a series of mistakes.

    翻译: 她因一系列错误而被解雇。

  3. Lay off - 裁员

    Example: Due to financial problems, many employees were laid off.

    翻译: 由于财务问题,许多员工被裁员。

  4. Fired - 被解雇

    Example: John was fired for violating company policies.

    翻译: 约翰因违反公司政策而被解雇。

  5. Redundant - 被裁员的

    Example: He was made redundant when the company downsized.

    翻译: 当公司裁员时,他被裁掉了。

  6. Resign - 辞职

    Example: After the conflict with his boss, he decided to resign.

    翻译: 与老板发生冲突后,他决定辞职。

  7. Quit - 辞去

    Example: She quit her job after feeling undervalued.

    翻译: 她因为觉得自己不被重视而辞去了工作。

  8. Retire - 退休

    Example: He retired after working for 40 years in the same company.

    翻译: 他在同一家公司工作了40年后退休了。

  9. Severance pay - 离职补偿金

    Example: Employees who are laid off receive severance pay according to company policy.

    翻译: 被裁员的员工根据公司政策会获得离职补偿金。

  10. Contract termination - 合同终止

    Example: The contract termination was a mutual decision between the employer and the employee.

    翻译: 合同终止是雇主和员工之间的共同决定。

  11. Probation period - 试用期

    Example: If an employee fails to meet expectations during the probation period, they may be dismissed.

    翻译: 如果员工在试用期内未能达到期望,他们可能会被解雇。

  12. Unemployed - 失业

    Example: After being dismissed, he remained unemployed for several months.

    翻译: 被解雇后,他失业了几个月。

  13. Job loss - 失业,丧失工作

    Example: The economic downturn led to widespread job loss in the industry.

    翻译: 经济衰退导致该行业普遍失业。

  14. Unfair dismissal - 不公正解雇

    Example: She filed a complaint for unfair dismissal after being fired without a valid reason.

    翻译: 她因被无正当理由解雇而提出不公正解雇投诉。

  15. Insubordination - 不服从命令

    Example: The employee was fired for insubordination and disrespecting management.

    翻译: 该员工因不服从命令和不尊重管理层而被解雇。

  16. Discharge - 解雇,开除

    Example: He was discharged from the company due to his constant tardiness.

    翻译: 由于他经常迟到,他被公司解雇了。

  17. Dismissal notice - 解雇通知

    Example: Employees are usually given a dismissal notice a few weeks before termination.

    翻译: 员工通常会在解雇前几周收到解雇通知。

  18. Employment contract - 劳动合同

    Example: The employment contract outlined the conditions under which an employee could be dismissed.

    翻译: 劳动合同中列出了员工可能被解雇的条件。

  19. Job security - 工作保障

    Example: The company offers job security, so layoffs are rare.

    翻译: 公司提供工作保障,因此裁员很少发生。


Being dismissed from a job can be a traumatic experience, both emotionally and financially. However, it is often an inevitable part of life, especially in the fast-paced business world. There are many reasons why an employee may be dismissed, such as poor performance, violation of company policies, or even economic factors like downsizing. Regardless of the reason, being dismissed can lead to a period of uncertainty and stress.

It is important to stay calm and focused during this time. Employees should consider reviewing their performance or behavior that may have contributed to the dismissal. If the dismissal is due to external factors, such as company financial problems, it is important to remember that it is not a personal failure. During this difficult period, it is crucial to seek support from family and friends, and to begin looking for new job opportunities.




❶ 我们公司正在裁员。Our company is downsizing the work force.

同类表达 We're going to lay off people in every department. 我们将在每个部门进行裁员。

I became a target of restructuring. 我成了裁员的对象。

❷ 公司正处于衰退期。The company is on a recession.

同类表达 The company has to lay off some staff. 公司不得不解雇一些员工。

❸ 近来我们生意大幅下滑,我们不得不裁员。Our business has been going down sharply recently and we have to reduce some staff.

❹ 他已经被炒鱿鱼了。He has just been sacked.

同类表达 He was fired. 他被解雇了。

He was dismissed. 他被解雇了。

He was laid off. 他下岗了。

❺ 我能得到解聘赔偿金吗?Can I expect to get any termination money?

同类表达 How much is the compensation for breaking the contract? 要补偿多少违约金?

❻ 你的工作达不到我们对雇员的要求。Your work failed to meet our requirements for employees.

同类表达 If you don't improve, they may decide to fire you. 如果你没有提高的话,他们可能会决定炒掉你。

❼ 他总是迟到,所以被解雇了。He was given the sack because he kept arriving late.

对话 A: Do you know why John was fired? 你知道为什么约翰被解雇了吗?

B: He was given the sack because he kept arriving late. 他总是迟到,所以被解雇了。

❽ 我们已经给了你机会,我们不得不解雇你。You had your chance and we are going to fire you.

同类表达 You have shown no improvement over the last quarter. 上个季度你没有任何提高。

❾ 他们不得不解雇莉莉,因为她总是犯错。They had to fire Lily because she kept on making mistakes.

同类表达 If I keep making mistakes, I'm going to get the sack. 如果我一直犯错的话,我就会被解雇。

❿ 你和其他员工配合得不太好。You don't work well with the other colleagues.

同类表达 You lack the spirit of teamwork. 你缺少团队合作精神。