
英语作文    发布时间:2024-05-23  



1.Accommodation - 住宿

2.Dining - 餐饮

3.Room Service - 房间服务

4.Laundry - 洗衣

5.Concierge - 礼宾服务

6.Security - 安全

7.Transportation - 交通

8.Fitness Center - 健身中心

9.Spa - 水疗

10.Business Center - 商务中心

英语作文:Standard Hotel Services

Dear Guests,

Welcome to our hotel, where we strive to provide you with a comfortable and memorable stay. Our standard hotel services are designed to cater to your every need and ensure that your experience with us is as pleasant as possible.

Accommodation: We offer a range of well-appointed rooms, each equipped with modern amenities to make your stay as cozy as possible. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, our rooms are designed to provide a restful environment.

Dining: Our hotel boasts a variety of dining options, from gourmet restaurants to casual cafes. Our chefs prepare delicious meals using fresh ingredients, catering to different tastes and dietary requirements.

Room Service: Should you prefer to dine in the comfort of your room, our room service is available around the clock. Our staff is dedicated to delivering your meals promptly and with care.

Laundry: We understand the importance of fresh clothing during your travels. Our laundry service ensures that your garments are cleaned and returned to you promptly.

Concierge: Our concierge team is at your service to assist with any special requests or arrangements you may have, from booking tickets to recommending local attractions.

Security: Your safety is our priority. Our hotel is equipped with state-of-the-art security systems and staff to ensure a secure environment for all guests.

Transportation: We offer transportation services to help you get around the city with ease. Whether you need airport transfers or local sightseeing, we have you covered.

Fitness Center: For those who wish to maintain their fitness routine, our fitness center is equipped with the latest exercise equipment and is open 24/7.

Spa: Indulge in relaxation at our spa, where you can enjoy a range of treatments designed to rejuvenate your body and mind.

Business Center: For our business travelers, our business center provides all the necessary facilities to stay connected and productive.

We hope that our standard hotel services will enhance your stay and make it a truly enjoyable experience. Should you require any assistance or have any special requests, please do not hesitate to contact our staff.

Warm regards,

[Your Hotel Name]

















❶ 我要预订叫醒服务,谢谢。I'd like a wake-up call, please.

同类表达 I need a morning call at six tomorrow morning. 请在明天早上六点叫我起床。

❷ 我们有电脑叫醒服务。We have a computer wake-up service.

同类表达 Please dial 2 first and then the wake-up time. 请先拨2,然后拨叫醒时间。

❸ 您可以派人到307房间来取一下我的送洗衣服吗?Would you please send someone to room 307 to pick up some laundry for me?

同类表达 Do you have a laundry service? 你们有衣物送洗的服务吗?

Could you come to pick up my laundry? 你们能来取一下我的送洗衣物吗?

❹ 我有一些衬衫要洗。I have some shirts to be washed.

同类表达 Where can we have our laundry done? 衣服送到哪里洗啊?

Just put the items you want to be washed in the laundry bag and the housekeeper will pick it up from your room. 把要洗的衣服放到洗衣袋里,客房人员会去您房间里取。

❺ 洗衣服务如何收费?How much does your laundry service cost?

同类表达 What are your rates of laundry service?

What's the charge for your laundry service?

❻ 请您填一下这张洗衣单,好吗?Could you fill out the laundry form, please?

同类表达 The laundry form is in the drawer of the table. 洗衣单放在桌子的抽屉里。

❼ 我想这件毛衣要放在冷水中用手洗,否则它会缩水的。I'd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water, or it might shrink.

❽ 需要洗衣时,请拨101,那是客房部。For laundry service, please dial 101 and you will get the housekeeping.

❾ 快洗服务要额外收30%的费用。There is an extra charge of 30% for quick service.

同类表达 If you are in a hurry, we have a two-hour quick service. 如果您很急,我们有两小时加急服务。

❿ 什么时候可以送回我的衣服?When can I get the laundry back?

同类表达 I'd like to know about your laundry service hours. 我想了解你们的洗衣服务时间。

对话 A: When can I get the laundry back? 什么时候可以送回我的衣服?

B: Tomorrow morning. 明天早上。