- 现在仅剩下博物馆里的标本。
- All that remains now are museum specimens .
- 可以肯定的是,不在博物馆里。
- Certainly not in the museum .
- 该博物馆也定期组织专场展览。
- The museum also regularly organises special exhibitions .
- 由此所创建的知识宝库让我得以流畅地学习,并知道自己的知识发展建立在坚实的基础上。
- It created a repository of knowledge that freed me to learn , knowing that I 'm building on something solid .
- 从未甘愿出售opel,尽管一直亏损,opel是gm在小型车领域的专业宝库。
- It had never wanted to sell opel , which despite being lossmaking is gm 's main repository of expertise in technologies for smaller cars .
- 因为汽车工业可以雇佣大量的员工,同时也是孕育高科技的宝库,所以政府很容易认为他们必须在困难时期支持汽车公司。
- Because the industry employs so many people and is a repository of high technology , governments are easily lured into the belief that car firms must be supported when times are tough .