
v.开拓殖民地,移民于殖民地( colonize的过去式和过去分词 )
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- The team also found that north and south america were colonized independently by at least two different waves of migration from different parts of asia , although both waves appear to have arrived via the bering strait .
- 研究小组还发现,至少有前后两批来自亚洲不同地区的移民分别在南北美洲开辟了殖民地,两批移民好像都是经过白令海峡到达美洲的。
- The philippines about to be colonized again !
- 菲律宾又要被殖民化了!
- The english colonized new england .
- 英国人移民了新英格兰。
- Primitive races colonized these islands 2000 years ago .
- 原始人2000年前开垦了这些岛屿。
- The insects colonized the land before the vertebrates .
- 昆虫比脊椎动物先移生在土地上。
- Fishes that have colonized inland waters from the sea .
- 已经由海洋移居到内陆水域的鱼。
- Colonization exercises great influences on the colonized people .
- 殖民化对殖民地人民产生了巨大的影响。
- However , it should be colonized in soil first to realize its function .
- 然而,微生物要发挥功效必须在土壤中能够定殖。
- Contact precautions for infected and colonized patients .
- 对感染和定植接触隔离。
- The culture of celebrity , like an army of ants , has colonized the news pages both tabloid and broadsheet .
- 所谓的名人文化像泛滥的大群蚂蚁,充斥在小报和传单的版面上。