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- Mr akerson and his management team are suggesting that if sales continue to recover gm might be capable of annual pre-tax profits of up to $ 19 billion .
- 阿克森和他的经营团队表示,如果销售额将继续回升,通用今年税前利润很有可能飙升到190亿美元。
- Then again , perhaps mr kerkorian 's real goal is to find a way out of gm , an investment that has cost him a lot of money .
- 而且,克科里安的真正意图或许是寻找脱身之计,以甩掉通用汽车这项令他损失惨重的投资。
- Mr henderson , who became chief executive when rick wagoner was ousted in march , says in an affidavit that no one expressed any interest in lending to gm or buying its assets at a price that would have kept it operating .
- 在三月里克-瓦格纳被革职之后,成为了首席执行官的韩德胜先生在一份书面陈述中称,没有企业对借款给通用或者以足够保持通用运行的价格购买它的资产表现出兴趣。
- " Our progress has been threatened as us economic conditions have become more difficult , " rick wagoner , gm 's chief executive , told employees yesterday .
- 通用首席执行官里克瓦格纳(rickwagoner)昨日对员工表示:“随着美国经济形势变得更加严峻,我们的发展受到了威胁。”
- ' If we would have been flush with as much cash as today , maybe we would have gone a different way , ' mr. akerson , the gm ceo , said .
- 通用汽车ceo阿克森说,如果我们当初有今天这么财大气粗,可能就是另外一番开拓方式了。
- Gm chief executive officer daniel akerson last month went to the middle east to speak to potential investors , and vice chairman stephen girsky recently went to korea , say people familiar with the situation .
- 知情人士说,通用汽车的首席执行长阿克森(danielakerson)上月到访中东,向潜在投资者发表演讲,其副董事长葛斯基(stephengirsky)近期到访韩国。
- Less than six months ago , before he was ousted by the treasury 's auto task-force , gm 's chief executive , rick wagoner , said bankruptcy was " not an option " for the world 's second-largest car company .
- 不到六个月之前,当时通用的首席执行官里克瓦格纳还没有被财政部“驱逐”的时,他曾经说破产对世界第二大汽车公司通用来说“绝对不考虑”。
- Many doctors believe that the labels on processed food should spell out the amounts of cholesterol , saturated fat and polyunsaturated fat the food contains . " How else is the shopper to know that something as innocent as a soda cracker contains 4 gm of saturated fat ? "
- 很多医生都建议,应该在加工食品的标签上添加相关的胆固醇、饱和脂肪和多元化不饱和脂肪的含量数据。“否则购物者怎么知道苏打饼干里会存有4克饱和脂肪呢?”
- During a keynote address at the consumer electronics show in las vegas in january , the boss of general motors ( gm ) , rick wagoner , unveiled the cadillac provoq , a new hydrogen fuel-cell concept car .
- 在1月拉斯维加斯消费者电子展的一个政治性集会的政策演讲中,通用汽车(gm)的老板里克瓦格纳展示了凯迪拉克普罗沃格,一款新的氢燃料电池概念车。
- Mr. akerson figures gm will take a sales hit as a result .
- 阿克森认为,这将使通用汽车的销售业绩受到影响。