
n.重要事件( milestone的名词复数 );重要阶段;转折点;里程碑
milestones 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This infographic celebrates key statistics and milestones for linkedin that are worth a look .
- 上图的关键统计数据对于linkedin来说是个值得庆祝的里程碑。
- Never before has the computer industry seemed so preoccupied by such historical milestones .
- 计算机业还从未因这些历史上的里程碑被如此深深关注过。
- We like to think of our architectural treasures as milestones of human progress .
- 我们乐于把我们的建筑奇葩视作人类进步史上的一个个里程碑。
- Cutting teeth isn 't one of those milestones a baby reaches all at once .
- 不像其他的发育里程碑,宝宝的牙齿并非一次就长全了的。
- Relatively undemanding milestones will quite soon take fiat 's stake in chrysler up to 35 % .
- 相对容易完成的里程碑将很快使菲亚特所持克莱斯勒的股份升至35%。
- So to celebrate , we 've compiled five milestones in the internet 's young life .
- 因此为了庆贺互联网诞生,我们汇编了其年轻生命里发展的5个里程碑。
- Gripping a spoon in the fist is one of the earliest milestones in our development .
- 婴幼儿发育最早的里程碑之一,就是能用小拳头紧握住一把勺子。
- Click on their names in the list below to find advice and read about their career milestones .
- 在下面的列表上点击他们的名字寻求建议,阅览他们的事业里程碑。
- This should be designed explicitly to carry the country past a defined set of milestones .
- 这一点必须明确构思,以使埃及顺利地度过一系列必经的里程碑阶段。
- What has followed is declaration after declaration of " unprecedented " milestones .
- 随之而来的是宣布了一个又一个“空前的”里程碑。