
colonnades 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The dynasty 's greatest legacy was alexandria itself , with its hundred-foot-wide main avenue , its gleaming limestone colonnades , its harborside palaces and temples overseen by a towering lighthouse , one of the seven wonders of the ancient world , on the island of pharos .
- 托勒密王朝留给世人最伟大的遗产便是亚历山卓,当时的亚历山卓街道宽阔,石灰岩柱廊闪闪发光,海边建造了雄伟的宫殿和庙宇,法罗斯岛(pharos)上矗立着被称之为古代七大奇迹之一的灯塔。
- Now there is in jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool , in aramaic called bethesda , which has five roofed colonnades .
- 在耶路撒冷,靠近羊门有一个池子,希伯来话叫作毕士大,旁边有五个廊子。
- John 5:2 ( niv ) now there is in jerusalem near the sheep gate a pool , which in aramaic is called bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades .
- 约5:2(clv)在靠近羊门的地方,有一个叫毕士大的水池,池边有五条走廊。
- The team behind the new film , which is based on an earlier book by dan brown , used the surreptitiously-gathered material to digitally recreate many of the famous papal buildings , tuscan colonnades , fountains and monuments within st peter 's square .
- 这部新的影片是以丹布朗早期的一本小说为蓝本改编而成,影片的制作团队使用偷偷收集的素材通过数字技术重现了许多著名的教廷建筑,如托斯卡纳式的柱子,圣彼得广场上的喷泉和纪念碑。
- Roman colonnades are mixed with georgian windows , and so on . Jameson believes tha this schizophrenia comes about as a result of a refusal to think historically .
- 罗马式柱廊混合乔治王时代的窗饰,如此种种。詹姆森坚信这种分裂性是拒绝运用历史眼光思考问题的后果。
- In a quadrangle of lahore 's elegant british-built high courts , beside a soothing fountain and surrounded by red-brick colonnades , some of these lawyers are on hunger-strike-or , more accurately , skipping lunch .
- 在优雅的拉舍尔英建高等法院的四合院内,在宁静的喷泉旁,在红砖柱廊的环抱下,一些律师正在绝食以示支持,更准确的说法是,绝午餐。
- The filles de joie would wander freely with their clients under the colonnades of the palais royal .
- 妓女们可以和她们的恩客在皇家大舞厅的石柱走廊里随意闲逛。
- The vaulted naves , over 30 meters ( 100 feet ) high , were lightened with windows and open colonnades and supported from the exterior with spidery flying buttresses , which gave the inside an ethereal beauty .
- 拱形的殿超过30米(100英尺)高,轻颖的窗户和开放的柱廊,在外部支撑的蜘蛛飞扶壁,赋予内部空间一种空灵的美。