
n.殖民者,殖民地开拓者,移民( colonizer的名词复数 )
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- The two single biggest influences on sri lankan music are from buddhism and portuguese colonizers .
- 两种对斯里兰卡音乐最大的影响来自佛教和葡萄牙殖民者。
- We are neither colonizers nor occupiers .
- 我们既不是殖民者也不是占领军。
- More tangibly , it produced a wealth of literature on how future biospheres might be constructed by space explorers and colonizers , who cannot expect to bring with them enough supplies for long-term survival .
- 它为我们提供了丰富详实的有形资料,帮助那些不可能指望随身携带足够长期生存下去物资的太空探险者和殖民者了解如何构建未来的生物圈。
- When the time comes for us to wake up to the " ecological colonizers " , should we demand " ecological compensation " from them ?
- 等我们觉醒到这是生态殖民的时候,我们是否应该去要求生态补偿?
- In typee , tom becomes the colonial gazer . He is the representative of colonizers with the immanent superiority of white cultures .
- 在《泰比》中,托莫是殖民者形象的代表,带着白人文化的优越性审视泰比人。
- In many areas on earth , the aboriginal people lost the ownership of their land because they were defeated by the colonizers .
- 在世界的许多地方,因为过去原住民被殖民者打败,他们失去他们土地的所有权。
- Most west african countries wrested independence from french and british colonizers around 1960 , but many have seen real incomes , standards of living , and even life expectancy drop since then .
- 大多数的西非国家在1960年左右摆脱法国和英国的殖民统治赢得独立,但是许多人发现从此以后实际收入,生活水平,甚至生活期望都下降了。
- Colonizers in the west before the arrival of the two sides there has been no major disputes , and even can be said to be in harmony .
- 在西方殖民者到来之前,双方并无大的纠纷,甚至可以说是和谐相处。
- Unlike british colonizers who maintained some distance from their subjects in hong kong , just an hour 's ferry trip from macao , the portuguese frequently married local women who then converted to catholicism .
- 虽然香港和澳门之间坐船只需要一小时的时间,但澳门葡萄牙殖民者不像英国人那样和当地人保持一定的距离,他们经常和改信天主教的当地妇女通婚。
- The ashanti combined strength in war conquering lands from what is now ivory coast in the west to togo in the east and defeating british colonizers several times with skill in art , particularly sculpture and cloth .
- 阿散蒂综合实力在战争-征服从什么是现在在东部和多次打败英国殖民者向多哥科特迪瓦西部的土地-在艺术与技巧,尤其是雕塑和布料。