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regrow 变化形式

第三人称单数: regrows
过去式: regrew
过去分词: regrown
现在分词: regrowing

regrow 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Another important line of attack is to regrow our own cells , tissues and even whole organs .
Government vets have made attempts to de-horn rhinos so they no longer have value for poachers , but the process must be repeated because the horns regrow .
Plx4032 does not target the nras mutation , so the cancer can begin to regrow .
Men may be able to regrow all their hair if the inhibiting protein is removed , said george cotsarelis , chairman of dermatology at the university of pennsylvania 's perelman school of medicine in philadelphia .
This function has been made obsolete by modern , industrialised society ; populations are now so dense that people pick up essential bacteria from each other , allowing gut organisms to regrow without help from the appendix , the researchers said .
More clues are coming from lab mice that have a genetic mutation that allows them to partially regrow severed digits .
Will doctors 40 years from now be able to help humans regrow severed spinal cords , damaged hearts or even lost limbs ?
He said the finding raised the possibility of not only stopping hair loss , but of bald men also being able to regrow full heads of hair .
The axolotl salamander is able to regrow its limbs and even damaged organs . But it loses its ability to regenerate as it grows older
" Researchers are desperately trying to find ways to regrow fingers and even limbs , " highfield says .