
v.开拓殖民地,移民于殖民地( colonize的现在分词 )
colonizing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- What about colonizing other earth-like planets ?
- 地球行星外的殖民地究竟是什么样?
- In siberia the practice mostly died out in the late 19th century , when colonizing russians brought potato and onion farming to the region and forced many nomadic groups to settle .
- 19百年后期在西伯利亚这种习惯险些消散了,当那些殖民的俄罗斯人带来了土豆和洋葱在当地莳植,而且强制那些游牧民定居下来。
- The reason for not fully colonizing a planet is that you want the colonists to procreate for as long as possible .
- 不要把殖民卫星完全殖民化的原因是你希望殖民者可以尽可能的繁殖。
- Christopher cruise : what do you think of returning to the moon or colonizing mars ?
- 克里斯托弗游船:你怎么想重返月球或殖民火星吗?
- " Colonizing the moon or mars seems so far away , but it is important that we do this research now , " paragon president jane poynter said .
- paragon的总裁简?波耶恩特说:“开垦月球或火星似乎非常遥远,但现在我们开展这项研究十分重要。”
- Wonders worked in a few years with a people that others had failed to subdue - a lesson for other colonizing nations .
- 与难驯岛民数年的奇妙经历-给其它的殖民国家上一课。
- Colonizing to out space is the aim of the life anagenesis .
- 生命进化的目标就是太空殖民。
- In a gesture of world unity , a group of corporations and world powers have united to assist each other in colonizing the moon .
- 在世界团结的姿态,一组公司和世界大国必须团结起来,互相协助的殖民月球。
- England was the most successful of the european nations at colonizing what would become the united states , and its success was due in large part to its use -- starting with the jamestown colony -- of charter companies .
- 欧洲很多国家参加开发这片后来变成美国的土地,其中英国最为成功,主要原因是英国从詹姆斯敦殖民地时代开始就利用特许公司这种方式。
- The substituting route for sustainable utilization of agricultural resources is multi-dimensional , including reciprocal substitute , functional substitute , colonizing substitute , input substitute and industrial substitute .
- 摘要我国农业资源可持续利用的替代路径是多维发散的,包括互动替代、功能替代、拓殖替代、输入替代和工业替代。