
n.殖民地开拓者,移民,殖民地居民( colonist的名词复数 )
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- But the belief that our country is somehow different from other nations is at least as old as the puritan john winthrop 's 1630 sermon to the massachusetts bay colonists .
- 但相信我国和其他国家不同的这种观点早在清教徒约翰温斯罗普1630年对马萨诸塞湾殖民者的训诫中就已出现。
- The british also felt that they had invested a lot financially in protecting the colonists .
- 同时英国人也觉得为了保护殖民统治者他们在财政上也支出了很多。
- About fifteen years later , the company sent over some thirty families as colonists and workers .
- 大约十五年后,公司送去了超过30户家庭作为殖民者和工人。
- That idea was so strong that it took much evidence to the contrary to persuade people that george iii endorsed the oppressive policies of his ministers and favored severe measures against the colonists .
- 这种观念是如此的根深蒂固,以至于在大量反面证据的面前,人们才相信乔治三世支持了大臣们提出的镇压政策,并许可对殖民地采取严酷手段。
- In banning such items as funeral scarves and elaborate mourning dress the colonists seem to have been admitting to powerlessness as if their desire for british goods were itself the instrument of their subjugation .
- 在禁止诸如葬礼围巾和做工精良的丧服这些东西方面,殖民地居民似乎一直无能为力,好像对英国商品的渴望本身就是镇压这种渴望的工具。
- And so , the hollanders gave their own nickname to the new england colonists .
- 于是,这些荷兰人把自己的外号送给了新英格兰的移民。
- English colonists got a taste of popcorn at the first thanksgiving feast in 1621 .
- 在1621年的第一个感恩节盛宴上,英国移民们第一次品尝到爆玉米花。
- Also , as two colonists start a dangerous recon mission , there is a new arrival .
- 同时,两个移民开始一个危险的侦探任务,那里有新加入者。
- With the basics of survival seemingly under their control , the colonists decide to focus on creature comforts , such as building a shower .
- 生存的基本要求看起来在他们的掌握中,移民决定集中精力在创造舒适环境,像造一个淋浴。
- The colonists revolted against their british .
- 殖抿地人民反抗他们的英国统治者。