yd 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Forestle , powered by yahoo 's search technology , helps to save 0.1 square meters ( 0.11 yd ) of rain forest per search .
- forestle,基于yahoo搜索技术,帮助拯救0.1平方米(0.11yd)雨林/每次搜索。
- Like the way yd d toenaienen grow all crazy .
- 比如你的脚指甲长得太快。
- We try not to indulge in rumors here at yd but sometimes they do provide fuel for inspiration , such is the case with this macbook touch .
- 我们尽量不沉迷于在yd的谣言,但是有时他们也能提供灵感的源泉,例如有关macbooktouch的事件。