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- Mr. sun xianze , dg of food safety coordination department , ddg , madam zhao lili , ddg of international cooperation department and other officials also participated the meeting .
- 食品安全协调司的孙咸泽司长,国际合作司的副司长赵黎力女士及其他官员出席了会议。
- When berkshire filed its 13fs with the sec , there were suddenly headlines that said " buffett buys mastercard , " or visa , or dollar general ( dg ) .
- 伯克希尔向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交13F表格后,媒体就突然报出了“巴菲特买进万事达(MasterCard)股票”、Visa股票或DollarGeneral股票等新闻。
- Dg fastchannel says it does business with 23 of the 25 top advertisers , using the company 's network to get high quality video and radio ads ( the bulk of its revenue generation ) to studios quickly .
- DGFastChannel公司称,它与25家顶尖广告公司中的23家开展业务合作,利用公司的网络可将最高品质的视频和电台广告(这是其收入来源的绝大部分)快速发往各家平台。
- This image of reflection nebula dg 129 was released september 21 .
- 这张反射星云(reflectionnebula)dg129的照片发布于9月21日。
- First , for the dg batteries . I thought these were a great deal since they cost $ 4 for a pack of twenty .
- 首先,对于dg电池来说,我觉得它们物有所值,因为一板20节电池只要4美元。
- If I used the cheaper dg , I would just have to replace the batteries more often .
- 如果我用了便宜的dg电池,我只不过是要多换几次电池而已。
- Either way , the duracell and the energizer batteries seem to have similar curves , but the dg is significantly lower .
- 不过不管怎样,duracell和energizer牌的电池有着相同的曲线,但dg牌要低很多。