瓦尔特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman)是19世纪美国最重要的诗人之一,也是美国文学的重要代表之一。他于1819年5月31日出生在纽约,于1892年3月26日去世。惠特曼的诗歌创作涵盖了广泛的主题,从自然、爱情、人类关系到社会和政治问题。他的作品以其自由洒脱的风格、开放的性格和对人类平等和自由的强烈追求而闻名。
惠特曼最著名的作品是《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass),这是一部包含了多个版本的长诗集。该诗集于1855年首次出版,之后惠特曼一直在不断修订和扩展。《草叶集》以其独特的自由诗形式和大胆的写作风格引起了广泛的关注。他用大胆而直接的语言表达了对人类的热爱和对自然的赞美,同时探索了个体与整体之间的关系,以及人类的存在和意义。
除了《草叶集》,惠特曼还创作了许多其他重要的诗歌作品,如《鼓励诗》(Song of Myself)、《跨越布鲁克林大桥》(Crossing Brooklyn Ferry)和《美国》(America: A Prophecy)等。他的诗歌作品大胆创新,追求个体的自由和自我表达,同时关注社会和政治问题,反映了他对美国民主和平等的理念。
I should not take either the biggest or the most picturesque tree to illustrate it. Here is one of my favorites now before me, a fine yellow poplar, quite straight, perhaps 90 feet high, and four thick at the butt. How strong, vital, enduring! how dumbly eloquent! What suggestions of imperturbability and being, as against the human trait of mere seeming. Then the qualities, almost emotional, palpably artistic, heroic, of a tree; so innocent and harmless, yet so savage. It is, yet says nothing. How it rebukes by its tough and equable serenity all weathers, this gusty-temper'd little whiffet, man that runs indoors at a mite of rain or snow. Science (or rather half-way science) scoffs at reminiscence of dryad and hamadryad, and of trees speaking. But, if they don't, they do as well as most speaking, writing, poetry, sermons—or rather they do a great deal better. I should say indeed that those old dryad—reminiscences are quite as true as any, and profounder than most reminiscences we get. ("Cut this out," as the quack mediciners say, and keep by you.) Go and sit in a grove or woods, with one or more of those voiceless companions, and read the foregoing, and think.
One lesson from affiliating a tree—perhaps the greatest moral lesson anyhow from earth, rocks, animals, is that same lesson of inherency, of what is, without the least regard to what the looker-on (the critic) supposes or says, or whether he likes or dislikes. What worse—what more general malady pervades each and all of us, our literature, education, attitude toward each other, (even toward ourselves,) than a morbid trouble about seems, (generally temporarily seems too,) and no trouble at all, or hardly any, about the sane, slow-growing, perennial, real parts of character, books, friendship, marriage—humanity's invisible foundations and hold-together?
By Walter Whitman
-imperturbability [ˈɪmpəˌtɜːbəˈbɪlətɪ] n. 沉着冷静,泰然自若 composure, calmness
the human trait of mere seeming :人生的浮华表象
gusty-temper'd little whiffet :无用小东西
-scoff [skɒf] v. 讽刺,嘲笑 to mock at or treat with derision
-malady [ˈmælədɪ] n. 疾病 a disease, a disorder, or an ailment
-pervade [pəˈveɪd] v. 充斥于,弥漫 to be present throughout; permeate
瓦尔特·惠特曼(Walter Whitman, 1819-1892),19世纪美国最伟大的诗人之一。他费时三十七年,历经九次改版,才成就《草叶集》这本不朽诗集。他的写作风格清新质朴,其诗文不拘泥于格律,思想自由奔放,鼓舞人心,又能从变化无常的世事中,直接揭示生命的真谛。其作品不但是美国文学的瑰宝,同时也受到全世界读者的喜爱。