

expo 变化形式
复数: expos
易混淆的单词: ExpoEXPO
expo 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Shanghai 's expo bureau didn 't respond to a list of questions .
- 上海世博会事务协调局没有回复本报提出的一系列问题。
- The expo was notable for being the debut of the ferris wheel .
- 摩天轮的首次面世是本届博览会上的一大亮点。
- The end of the expo and the car-making crash make things worse .
- 世界博览会的落幕和汽车制造业受到的冲击更是火上浇油。
- The 2008 olympics and the 2010 expo were very successful coming out parties .
- 2008年奥运会和2010年世博会都是非常成功的展示会。
- People had to show their expo tickets to get a concert ticket .
- 人们需要出示他们的世博会门票来获得一张演唱会的门票。
- Today at the web 2.0 expo in san francisco , wired co-founder kevin kelly gave the first keynote of the day .
- 今天在旧金山的web2.0博览会上,wired网站创立者之一的凯文凯利发表了当天的第一场演说。
- Meanwhile , the expo itself has been even less welcoming of shanghainese culture .
- 与此同时,上海世博会自身甚至也不太欢迎上海本地文化。
- They were sent to the clinics or designated hospitals around the expo site in time .
- 他们被及时送到就近的医疗点或是世博会周围特设的医院。
- Meanwhile , local communities are organizing various activities to make their residents better hosts for expo .
- 同时,当地社区组织各种活动为社区居民作为世博会东道主做好准备。
- The seed cathedral by thomas heatherwick represented the united kingdom at the 2010 shanghai expo .
- 由thomasheatherwick设计的种子殿堂代表英国参加了2010年上海世博会。