
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-20  



1. Break up - 分手

2. Split up - 分手

3. End a relationship - 结束一段关系

4. Leave someone - 离开某人

5. Stop seeing each other - 不再见面(恋爱关系中)

6. Go out with someone - 和某人谈恋爱

7. Finish with someone - 和某人结束关系

8. Say goodbye to someone - 和某人告别

9. Walk out on someone - 抛弃某人

10. Dump someone - 甩掉某人

11. Part ways - 分道扬镳

12. Call it quits - 结束(通常指友好分手)

13. End things - 结束事情

14. Move on - 继续前进(分手后的积极态度)


A: I think we should break up.

A: 我觉得我们应该分手。

B: Are you sure about this?

B: 你确定吗?

A: Yes, I've been thinking about it for a while. We're not happy together.

A: 是的,我已经考虑了一段时间了。我们在一起不快乐。

B: I understand, but it's still hard to accept.

B: 我理解,但接受这个事实还是很难。

A: I know it's tough, but it's for the best.

A: 我知道这很难,但这是最好的办法。

B: I guess you're right. Let's try to stay friends.

B: 我想你是对的。我们试着做朋友吧。


In life, there are moments that define us, and for me, one such moment was the end of a relationship that I had cherished for years. It was a decision that I didn't take lightly, but it was necessary for both of us to grow and find our own paths.

We had shared many happy memories, but as time went by, we found ourselves drifting apart. Our conversations became less frequent, and the spark that once ignited our love seemed to fade. It was a gradual realization that we were no longer the same people we were when we first fell in love.

The day I decided to break up, I felt a mix of emotions – sadness, relief, and a sense of closure. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I believed it was the right thing to do. I approached the conversation with honesty and respect, hoping to minimize the hurt.

We sat down and talked about our feelings, our dreams, and the reasons why we couldn't continue as a couple. It was a difficult conversation, but it was also a necessary one. In the end, we agreed to part ways amicably, wishing each other the best for the future.

As I walked away from that relationship, I carried with me the lessons learned and the memories that would always be a part of me. I knew that life would go on, and so would I, stronger and wiser from the experience.







❶ 我对你没感觉。I don't feel anything for you.

对话 A: I don't feel anything for you. I want to break up with you. 我对你没有感觉,我想跟你分手。

B: Oh my god! You picked up on me first! 我的天哪!当初是你先跟我搭讪的!

❷ 南希把他甩了。Nancy dumped him.

同类表达 Nancy broke up with him.

对话 A: Why is Mike so sad recently? 迈克最近怎么这么难过?

B: Nancy dumped him. 南希把他甩了。

❸ 我们友好地分手。We parted as friends.

对话 A: What's wrong with you and Jenny? 你和珍妮怎么了?

B: We parted as friends. 我们友好地分手了。

❹ 我们之间就是不来电。It's just there's no real spark.

对话 A: Why can't we be a couple anymore? 我们为什么不能再做情侣了?

B: I don't know. It's just there's no real spark. 我不知道,我们之间就是不来电。

❺ 我和迈克不合适。Mike and I aren't the right fit.

同类表达 We are just not right for each other. 我们不适合对方。

I think we are not a good fit. 我觉得我们不合适。

❻ 我觉得我们做普通朋友更合适。I think it's better for us to just be friends.

对话 A: I think it's better for us to just be friends. 我觉得我们做普通朋友更合适。

B: Just say it! You want to break up with me. 你就直说吧!你想跟我分手。

❼ 我感觉我们之间有很大的隔阂。I'm sensing a real distance between us.

对话 A: Why do you want to break up with me? 你为什么想跟我分手?

B: I'm sensing a real distance between us. 我感觉我们之间有很大的隔阂。

❽ 我得鼓足勇气跟他提分手。I have to get up the nerve to break his heart.

同类表达 I have to find the guts to break his heart.

I have to build up the courage to break his heart.

❾ 我们已经分手了。We were on a break!

❿ 我女朋友刚刚跟我分手了。My girlfriend just broke up with me.

对话 A: My girlfriend just broke up with me. 我女朋友刚刚跟我分手了。

B: Sorry to hear that. 很抱歉听到这个。