
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-29  


有关 打扫 的常用英语词汇

Clean up - 打扫

Tidy up - 整理

Sweep the floor - 扫地

Mop the floor - 拖地

Dust the furniture - 擦拭家具

Vacuum the carpet - 吸尘地毯

Wipe down surfaces - 擦拭表面

Organize the room - 整理房间

Clear away clutter - 清理杂物

Scrub the bathroom - 擦洗浴室

Polish the furniture - 擦拭家具

Empty the trash - 倒垃圾

Wash the dishes - 洗碗

Clean the windows - 擦窗户

Tidy up the living room - 整理客厅

Dust the shelves - 擦拭书架

Sweep the porch - 扫掉门廊上的灰尘

Wipe down the countertops - 擦拭台面

Sort and organize the closet - 整理衣橱

Clean out the fridge - 清理冰箱

有关 打扫 的常用英语对话

A: It's time to clean up the house. (该打扫房子了。)

B: I agree, it's getting a bit messy. (我同意,有点乱了。)

A: Let's start by tidying up the living room. (我们先从整理客厅开始吧。)

B: I'll sweep the floor and you can dust the furniture. (我来扫地,你擦家具吧。)

A: Sounds good. After that, we can mop the floor. (好的。之后我们可以拖地。)

B: Then we'll need to vacuum the carpet. (然后我们需要吸地毯。)

A: Once that's done, the living room will look much better. (一旦完成,客厅会看起来好多了。)

B: Definitely. Let's get started! (没错。让我们开始吧!)


❶ 帮我把床单换了。Help me change the sheets.

同类表达 Clean up your room. 把你的屋子收拾一下。

Help me clean up the house. 帮我打扫一下房间。

❷ 衣柜里没有多余的空间了。There is no room in the closet.

对话 A: You can put all the shirts in the closet. 你可以把所有的衬衫都放在衣柜里。

B: But there is no room in the closet. 但是衣柜里没有多余的空间了。

❸ 把你的衣服挂起来。Hang your clothes.

同类表达 Would you hang out the clothes? 你能把衣服晾出去吗?

❹ 你能用吸尘器把客厅打扫一下吗?Would you vacuum the living room?

同类表达 I have to vacuum my room. 我得用吸尘器打扫一下我的房间。

对话 A: Would you vacuum the living room? 你能用吸尘器把客厅打扫一下吗?

B: OK, but I have to wash the clothes first. 好的,但是我要先洗衣服。

❺ 我应该把沙发套换一下。I should change the sofa cover.

对话 A: I should change the sofa cover. 我应该把沙发套换一下。

B: There is a new one in the wardrobe. 衣柜里有一个新的。

❻ 对一下挂钟的时间,它是错的。Check the time of the wall clock. It is wrong.

对话 A: Check the time of the wall clock. It is wrong. 对一下挂钟的时间,它是错的。

B: What time is it now? 现在几点了?

A: It's nine o'clock. 九点了。

❼ 我想买个躺椅。I hope to buy a recliner.

对话 A: I want to buy a recliner. 我想买个躺椅。

B: Let's go shopping this weekend. 我们这周末去购物。

❽ 喷点空气清新剂给客厅添点香。Add a sweet smell to the living room with a light air freshener.

❾ 客厅的灯泡烧坏了。The light bulb in the living room is burnt out.

对话 A: The light bulb in the living room is burnt out. 客厅的灯泡烧坏了。

B: I'll buy a new one tomorrow. 我明天买个新的。

❿ 在客厅放些植物怎么样?What about placing some plants in the living room?

对话 A: What about placing some plants in the living room? 在客厅放些植物怎么样?

B: Good idea. 好主意。

有关 打扫 的英语作文

Cleaning the Room

Last weekend, I decided to clean my room. It had been getting quite messy and I couldn't ignore it any longer. I started by tidying up the clutter on the floor and organizing my books and clothes. Then, I swept the floor to get rid of the dust and dirt. After that, I mopped the floor to make it clean and shiny. I also dusted the furniture and wiped down the surfaces.

Once I finished cleaning, my room looked so much better. It was such a satisfying feeling to see everything neat and tidy. I realized that keeping my room clean not only makes it more pleasant to be in but also helps me feel more organized and focused.


