
英语作文    发布时间:2024-09-26  



Overtime - 加班

Workload - 工作负担

Deadline - 截止日期

Burnout - 精疲力竭

Compensation - 补偿

Productivity - 生产力

Flexibility - 灵活性

Time management - 时间管理


Working overtime has become a common practice in today's fast-paced business environment. While it can help meet tight deadlines and complete important projects, it also poses challenges for employees' well-being. Many workers find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, leading to increased stress and burnout.

On one hand, overtime can enhance productivity and demonstrate commitment to the job. Employers often appreciate employees who are willing to put in extra hours, seeing it as a sign of dedication. However, excessive overtime can have negative effects, such as decreased morale and reduced work quality. When employees are overworked, their efficiency tends to decline, resulting in mistakes and lower overall performance.

Moreover, the lack of work-life balance is a significant concern. Employees who consistently work overtime may struggle to find time for family, hobbies, and self-care. This imbalance can lead to dissatisfaction and higher turnover rates within organizations.

In conclusion, while overtime can be beneficial for meeting immediate goals, it is essential for both employers and employees to recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Finding ways to manage workloads effectively and prioritize employee well-being will ultimately lead to a more productive and satisfied workforce.






❶ 我们最好加快进度,不然今天晚上要加班了。We'd better speed up our work or we have to work overtime tonight.

同类表达 I'm afraid I have to work overtime tonight. 恐怕我今晚得加班了。

❷ 今晚你加班吗?Are you working overtime tonight?

同类表达 Are you working late tonight? 今晚你要工作到很晚吗?

这样回答 We'll work late again this evening. 今晚我们又要加班到很晚。

❸ 你有加班费吗?Do you get overtime pay?

同类表达 What's your overtime wage? 你们的加班费是多少?

How much do you get for overtime? 加班能得到多少加班费?

❹ 汤姆夜以继日地工作。Tom works day in and day out.

同类表达 Tom works around the clock. 汤姆24小时连轴工作。

❺ 员工加班须部门主管批准。Working overtime of the staff needs to be approved by department managers.

同类表达 Don't forget to write down your overtime hours on your time sheet. 别忘了在你的考勤单上写上你的加班时间。

❻ 工作别太拼了。Don't work too hard.

同类表达 Work will never be done. 工作永远都做不完。

❼ 我们好累,都筋疲力尽了!We are very fatigued, burnt-out!

同类表达 We are exhausted. 我们精疲力竭了。

I don't even have time to catch my breath. 我连喘口气的工夫都没有。

❽ 这项工作今天必须要完成,所以我得加班。This work has to be done today, so I have to work overtime.

同类表达 I often work overtime at the end of the month. 我月底经常加班。

I have to work overtime today to get it done. 我今天必须加班才能干完。

❾ 我们估计要等干完活才能走。It seems that we have to stay to work until we finish it.

对话 A: When can you leave? 你们什么时候能走?

B: It seems that we have to stay to work until we finish it. 我们估计要等干完活才能走。

❿ 你能晚点儿下班吗?Could you stay late?

同类表达 Could you work during the weekend? 你周末能加个班吗?