
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-14  


1. 衣着描述

Casual outfit:休闲装

Formal attire:正式服装

Dress to impress:打扮得体,引人注目

Smart casual:商务休闲



Dressed to the nines:穿戴整洁,打扮入时

Ripped jeans:破洞牛仔裤


High heels:高跟鞋


2. 购物和搭配

Window shopping:逛街看橱窗

Mix and match:搭配搭配看

Impulse purchase:冲动购买

Retail therapy:购物疗法

On sale:特价销售

Bargain hunting:寻找便宜货

It suits you:这适合你


3. 对话

A: Hey, I love your outfit today. Where did you get that shirt? (嘿,我喜欢你今天的穿着。那件衬衫在哪里买的?)

B: Thanks! I got it from a thrift store downtown. It was a real bargain. (谢谢!我是在市区一个二手商店买的。真是物美价廉。)

A: Are you going shopping this weekend? (这个周末你去逛街吗?)

B: Yeah, I need to find a dress for the party next week. I'm thinking of hitting the mall on Saturday. (是的,下周有个派对,我需要找一条裙子。我打算星期六去商场看看。)

A: Good idea. Let's go together. I could use some new shoes. (好主意。我们一起去吧。我也需要买双新鞋。)


❶ 我花了很长时间挑选衣服。It took me a long time to select my clothes.

对话 A: I have been waiting for you for half an hour. 我都等了你半个小时了。

B: I'm really sorry. It took me a long time to select my clothes. 抱歉,我花了很长时间挑选衣服。

❷ 我看上去怎么样?How do I look?

同类表达 How do you like it? 你觉得怎么样?

这样回答 It looks great on you. 你穿着很合适。

❸ 很难选择适合这种场合的衣服。It's hard to choose what to wear for this occasion.

同类表达 I don't have clothes for this occasion. 我没有适合这个场合穿的衣服。

❹ 你把T恤穿反了。You put your T-shirt on backwards.

同类表达 You're wearing your T-shirt inside out. 你的T恤穿反了。

It's upside down. 上下颠倒了。

❺ 我没有熨好的衬衫。I don't have an ironed shirt.

❻ 它和你的肤色很配哦。It goes well with your skin.

同类表达 This overcoat matches your shirt in color. 这件大衣和你衬衫颜色很配。

Blue is not a good color for you. 蓝色不适合你。

❼ 我正在找条腰带来配我的牛仔裤。I am looking for a belt to match my jeans.

同类表达 I'd like to buy a belt to go with my new jeans. 我想买一条腰带配我的新牛仔裤。

❽ 我不知道穿哪双鞋来配这条裤子。I don't know which shoes fit these trousers.

对话 A: I don't know which shoes fit these trousers. 我不知道穿哪双鞋来配这条裤子。

B: It's good to wear causal shoes. 休闲鞋就很好啊。

❾ 我忘了把外套从干洗店拿回来了。I forgot to pick up my coat from the laundry.

对话 A: Gosh, I forgot to pick up my coat from the laundry. 糟了,我忘记把外套从干洗店拿回来了。

B: We can get it next time. 我们可以下次去取。

❿ 我不知道穿什么好。I've no idea about what to wear.

同类表达 I can't find the right clothes to wear. 我找不到合适的衣服穿。