
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-23  



1. Time is precious - 时间宝贵
2. Cherish every moment - 珍惜每一刻
3. Seize the day - 把握当下
4. Carpe diem - 把握今天(拉丁语)
5. Time management - 时间管理
6. Prioritize tasks - 优先处理任务
7. Procrastination - 拖延
8. Time flies - 时光飞逝
9. Make the most of your time - 充分利用你的时间
10. Time is money - 时间就是金钱
11. Time investment - 时间投资
12. Time-saving - 节省时间
13. Time-wasting - 浪费时间
14. Time is of the essence - 时间至关重要
15. Time is a great teacher - 时间是最好的老师
16. Time waits for no one - 时间不等人
17. Time is a thief - 时间是小偷
18. Time is a gift - 时间是礼物
19. Time is limited - 时间有限
20. Time is valuable - 时间有价值


Person A: I've been feeling so overwhelmed lately. There never seems to be enough hours in the day.

Person B: I understand. It's important to manage your time wisely. Have you tried making a to-do list?

Person A: I have, but I still find myself procrastinating.

Person B: Procrastination can be a big time-waster. Try breaking tasks into smaller steps and set deadlines for each.

Person A: That's a good idea. I should also prioritize my tasks based on their importance and urgency.

Person B: Exactly. Remember, time is precious, and we should cherish every moment.


Time is the most valuable resource we have, yet it's often the one we take for granted. We say "I'll do it later," but later may never come. Time management is not just about efficiency; it's about making the most of the limited time we have.

We should cherish every moment, for time, once gone, cannot be regained. It's important to set goals and work towards them, but it's equally important to enjoy the journey. We should not let the pursuit of success overshadow the simple pleasures of life.

Procrastination is the thief of time. It robs us of opportunities and leaves us with regrets. To combat this, we must prioritize our tasks and eliminate distractions. By doing so, we can focus on what truly matters and make progress in our lives.

In conclusion, time is a gift that should be treasured. Let's not waste it on things that don't bring value to our lives. Instead, let's use it wisely to create a life filled with meaning and happiness.






❶ 他不能很好地把握时间。He can't master time well.

对话 A: I think he works very hard. 我觉得他工作非常努力。

B: He can't master time well. 他不能很好地把握时间。

❷ 时间过得真快!How time flies!

对话 A: It's time to say goodbye. I am going home. 要告别了,我得回家了。

B: How time flies! I can't believe it's past ten o'clock now. 时间过得真快!我都不敢相信已经十点多了。

❸ 我要把握时间了。I'm going to master my time.

对话 A: You spent whole days on surfing the net. 你整天都在上网。

B: I'm going to master my time. 我要把握时间了。

❹ 随着时间一点点过去,我们逐渐变老了。As time goes by, we gradually become old.

对话 A: As time goes by, we gradually become old. 随着时间一点点过去,我们都变老了。

B: Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人啊。

❺ 我是个时间观念很强的人。I have a strong sense of time.

对话 A: You are always learning or working, seldom playing. 你总是在学习或工作,很少玩。

B: I have a strong sense of time. 我是个时间观念很强的人。

❻ 他能把时间管理得很好。He is able to manage his time well.

❼ 虚度时光等于慢性自杀。To idle away one's time amounts to killing oneself.

对话 A: To idle away one's time amounts to killing oneself. 虚度时光等于慢性自杀。

B: That's overstating. 太夸张了吧。

❽ 你应该把握时间去做想做的事。You should take advantage of the time you have to do the things you want.

❾ 从我们上次见面到现在,已经过去两年了。Two years have elapsed since we last met.

对话 A: Two years have elapsed since we last met. 从我们上次见面到现在,已经过去两年了。

B: Yes, you have changed a lot. 是啊,你看起来变化好大。

❿ 咱们别再无所事事了。Let's stop idling around.