
Gym 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The gym was full of girls .
- 这个体育馆都充满了女生。
- Does your apartment have a gym onsite ?
- 你的公寓内有健身房吗?
- I have been to the gym and the hairdresser and am wearing better clothes .
- 我一直在进行体育锻炼和美发,现在穿着也更好了。
- For physically awkward children , recess was pure torture ; only gym class was worse .
- 对于那些身体不便的孩子,课间休息是纯粹的折磨,只有体育课才会比这更糟糕。
- Clever gym advertisement in india .
- 印度一家健身房做的极具智慧的广告。
- My affair with the gym mistress gave me security , stability and encouragement along with other more tangible benefits .
- 我和体育老师的爱情给予我安全、稳定和鼓励--以及其它切实的好处。
- Men : most 17-year old males are still trading baseball cards and giving each other wedgies after gym class .
- 男人:大部分17岁的小伙子还热衷于交换棒球卡、在体育课之后打打闹闹。
- Revenues for gym , health , and fitness clubs in 2013 are estimated to reach a record high of $ 25.9 billion .
- 2013年美国健身房、健身会馆和健身俱乐部的营收预计高达259亿美元。
- Some of the university 's programs for top executives require participants to wake up at 6:00 in the morning and hit the gym before starting the leadership training part of the itinerary . "
- 某些面向顶级高管的计划要求参加者清晨6点就起床到体育馆锻炼,然后再开始领导力培训。
- We 're training these people to be world-class athletes , so it 's about going to the gym and getting the reps down and getting your muscle memory in tune . "
- “比如我们要把这些人训练成世界级的运动员,肯定就要去体育馆,让他们展开训练,让他们的肌肉记忆保持协调。”