

bra 变化形式
复数: bras
易混淆的单词: BrABraBRA
bra 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Get a casual weekend bra .
- 拥有休闲的周末文胸。
- What bra should she buy ?
- 她应该选什么样的文胸?
- Her bra size was 48v .
- 她的胸罩是48罩杯。
- The bra also comes with gardening gloves .
- 这款文胸还配有一双园艺手套。
- Choose bra made of cotton because it is more convenient than synthetic materials .
- 选择棉质的文胸,因为它比合成材料的使用方便。
- Undergarments : lingerie experts say 75 % of women wear the wrong size bra .
- 内衣:女士内衣专家说,75%的女性都在穿着尺寸不合适的胸罩。
- In it , 250 women who practiced sports stopped wearing a bra for one year .
- 在该研究中,250名女性在一年的时间内,不穿戴胸罩进行体育运动。
- Be careful about the type of bra you wear to take your measurements , though .
- 虽说如此,但请注意看下你戴来测量胸围的胸罩的类型。
- She wore a bra beneath her clothes , hidden from her colleagues , of course .
- 她在自己的衣服里面戴上了胸罩,当然那是瞒着她的同事的。
- At its worst and least effective , slacktivism isn 't much different from a poetry reading or a bra burning .
- 就最差最少的效用而言,懒汉行动主义与诗歌朗诵或焚烧胸罩没有什么不同。