
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-15  



1. Satisfied - 满意的

2. Content - 满足的

3. Fulfilled - 实现的,满足的

4. Gratified - 感到满意的

5. Pleased - 高兴的,满意的

6. Delighted - 非常高兴的

7. Happy - 快乐的

8. Sufficient - 足够的

9. Adequate - 适当的

10. Satisfactory - 令人满意的


Person A: I'm really content with my job. I feel like I'm making a difference.


Person B: That's great! It's important to find satisfaction in what you do.


Person A: Absolutely. I'm not just working for the paycheck, but for the sense of fulfillment.


Person B: That's the right attitude. It's a pleasure to see you so gratified with your work.



The Pursuit of Contentment

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to lose sight of what truly brings us satisfaction. We often chase after material possessions, thinking they will bring us happiness, only to find ourselves still yearning for more. However, true contentment comes from within and is not dependent on external factors.

The key to being satisfied lies in appreciating the present moment and finding joy in the simple things. It's about cherishing the time spent with loved ones, enjoying a good book, or simply watching the sunset. When we focus on these small, yet significant moments, we cultivate a sense of fulfillment that is far more rewarding than any material gain.

Moreover, satisfaction is often achieved through personal growth and self-improvement. Setting and achieving goals, learning new skills, and overcoming challenges all contribute to a sense of accomplishment that can't be bought.

In conclusion, the pursuit of contentment is a journey of self-discovery and appreciation. It's about finding balance in life, recognizing our own worth, and being grateful for what we have. By doing so, we can experience true happiness and live a life that is truly satisfying.







❶ 我对结果很满意。I'm satisfied with the result.

对话 A: Why are you so happy? 你为什么这么高兴?

B: I'm satisfied with the result. 我对结果很满意。

❷ 这太让我满意了。That's wonderful to hear.

同类表达 That's music to my ears.

对话 A: Our manager has approved your project. 我们经理已经同意了你的方案。

B: That's wonderful to hear. 这太让我满意了。

❸ 我很满足。I'm very content.

同类表达 I feel satisfied very much.

I am very satisfied.

❹ 我非常乐观。I was very optimistic.

对话 A: Are you pessimistic about the future? 你对未来感到悲观吗?

B: No, I'm very optimistic. 不,我非常乐观。

❺ 我感觉好极了。I feel like a million dollars!

对话 A: How do you feel after the massage? 按摩之后感觉怎么样?

B: I feel like a million dollars! 我感觉好极了。

❻ 一切尽如人意。Everything's working out.

同类表达 All things are so satisfactory.

对话 A: How is your life? 你过得怎么样?

B: Everything's working out. 一切尽如人意。

❼ 生活待我不薄。Life's been good to me.

对话 A: How have you been doing recently? 你最近怎么样?

B: Very good! Life's been good to me. 很好!生活待我不薄。

❽ 我觉得无忧无虑。I'm care-free.

同类表达 I don't have a care in the world.

All my troubles seem so far away.

对话 A: How is your life? 你的生活怎么样?

B: I'm care-free. 我无忧无虑。

❾ 我将试着满足你的需求。I will try to satisfy your needs.

对话 A: I will try to satisfy your needs. 我将试着满足你的需求。

B: That's very kind of you. 你真好。

❿ 她的体重降到了令人满意的水平。Her weight went down to a satisfactory level.