
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-30  



1. Workout - 锻炼

2. Exercise - 练习,锻炼

3. Fitness - 健康,健身

4. Gym - 健身房

5. Weightlifting - 举重

6. Cardio - 心肺训练

7. Treadmill - 跑步机

8. Dumbbell - 哑铃

9. Barbell - 杠铃

10. Squat - 深蹲

11. Bench press - 卧推

12. Push-up - 俯卧撑

13. Sit-up - 仰卧起坐

14. Stretching - 拉伸运动

15. Aerobics - 有氧运动

16. Resistance training - 抗阻训练

17. Repetition - 重复次数

18. Set - 一组

19. Warm up - 热身

20. Cool down - 放松

21. Muscle soreness - 肌肉酸痛

22. Personal trainer - 私人教练

23. Body mass index (BMI) - 身体质量指数

24. Calorie - 卡路里

25. Healthy diet - 健康饮食

26. Hydration - 补水

27. Endurance - 耐力

28. Strength - 力量

29. Flexibility - 灵活性

30. Progression - 进步

31. Plateau - 平台期

32. Repetition range - 重复次数范围

33. Form - 姿势

34. Intensity - 强度

35. Rest period - 休息时间

36. Exercise equipment - 健身器材

37. Circuit training - 循环训练

38. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) - 高强度间歇训练

39. Bodyweight exercises - 无器械训练

40. CrossFit - 综合训练


A: Hey, have you been hitting the gym lately? You look great!


B: Thank you! Yes, I've been working out regularly for the past few months.


A: That's awesome! What kind of exercises do you usually do?


B: I do a combination of weightlifting and cardio. I focus on strength training with barbells and dumbbells, and I also incorporate running and cycling for my cardio workouts.


A: That sounds like a well-rounded routine. How often do you go to the gym?


B: I try to go at least four times a week. I find that consistency is key to seeing progress.


A: Absolutely, consistency is important. Do you have any tips for staying motivated?


B: One thing that helps me stay motivated is setting specific goals. Whether it's increasing the amount of weight I can lift or improving my running speed, having goals keeps me focused. I also like to vary my workouts to keep things interesting.


A: Great advice! I'll keep that in mind. By the way, do you follow a specific diet as well?


B: Yes, I try to eat a balanced and healthy diet. I focus on consuming lean proteins, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. I also make sure to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water throughout the day.


A: That's great to hear. Thanks for sharing your fitness routine with me!


B: You're welcome! If you ever need any workout tips or motivation, feel free to ask.



Keeping Fit and Healthy through Exercise

Staying fit and healthy is an important part of our lives. Exercise is a great way to achieve this goal. Regular exercise can improve our physical health, boost our mood, and reduce stress levels. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of exercise and some tips for staying motivated.

Firstly, exercise has numerous health benefits. It can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen bones and muscles, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Exercise also helps to maintain a healthy weight, which in turn reduces the risk of obesity-related illnesses. Furthermore, regular exercise can improve mental health by reducing anxiety and depression and boosting self-esteem.

Secondly, it can be challenging to stay motivated when it comes to exercise. One helpful tip is to set specific goals. Goals can help us stay focused and track our progress. Another tip is to find an exercise routine that we enjoy. Whether it's running, swimming, or lifting weights, choosing an activity that we like can make exercising more enjoyable. Additionally, finding a workout partner or joining a fitness class can provide social support and accountability, making it easier to stick to a routine.

In conclusion, exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. By engaging in regular physical activity, we can improve our physical and mental health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and maintain a healthy weight. Staying motivated can be challenging, but setting goals, finding enjoyable activities, and seeking social support can help us overcome these obstacles. Let's make exercise a regular part of our lives and reap the numerous benefits it offers.






❶ 我真的需要减肥了。I really need to lose some weight.

同类表达 I should start watching my weight. 我该开始注意自己的体重了。

❷ 超重是由于过量饮食和压力造成的。Overweight results from overeating and stress.

❸ 真希望我能像你一样苗条。I wish I was as slender as you.

同类表达 I wish I could be slim after all those yoga I have done. 练了这么久的瑜伽,我希望可以变得苗条些。

❹ 吃过多的甜食会让你发胖。You'll get fat if you eat too many sweets.

同类表达 Too many sweets will make you fat and they're not good for your teeth. 太多甜食会让你发胖,而且对牙齿也不好。

对话 A: I love chocolate. 我爱吃巧克力。

B: You'll get fat if you eat too many sweets. 吃过多的甜食会让你发胖。

❺ 这是消除腹部赘肉的好办法。It's a great way to eliminate your fat belly.

同类表达 It seems a good way to get rid of my love handles. 这似乎是消除我腰间赘肉的好办法。

❻ 规定饮食限制她每天摄入500卡的热量。The diet restricts her to 500 calories a day.

同类表达 She watches how many calories she can take per meal. 她留意每顿饭能够摄取的热量。

❼ 减肥的最好方法是每天多运动。The best way to lose weight is to do more exercise every day.

对话 A: I've put on some holiday weight. Is there any way I can lose weight fast? 我假期长胖了,有什么办法可以快速减肥吗?

B: The best way to lose weight is to do more exercise every day. 减肥最好的方法是每天多运动。

❽ 我晚餐只喝两杯果汁。I have only two glasses of juice for supper.

同类表达 I only eat some fruits as my dinner. 我晚餐只吃一些水果。

❾ 我建议你保持健康的饮食。I suggest you keep a healthy diet.

同类表达 It's not good to skip meals, and it won't help you lose weight. 不吃饭对身体不好,也不能帮助你减肥。

❿ 我打算参加一个减肥训练班。I plan to join a weight-loss class.

同类表达 I'm thinking of joining an aerobic gym class. 我打算参加一个有氧健身班。
