英语名篇背诵: The Use of History 历史的作用

英语作文    发布时间:2023-09-21  


英语背诵名篇: The Use of History 历史的作用

There are two ways of thinking of history. There is, first, history regarded as a way of looking at other things, really the temporal aspect of anything, from the universe to this nib with I am writing. Everything has its history. There is the history of the universe, if only we knew it—and we know something of it, if we do not know much. Nor is the contrast so great, when you come to think of it, between the universe and this pen-nib. A mere pen-nib has quite a considerable history. There is, to begin with, what has been written with it, and that might be something quite important. After all it was probably only one quill-pen or a couple that wrote Hamlet. Whatever has been written with the pen-nib is part of its History. In addition to that there is the history of its manufacture: this particular nib is a 'Relief' nib, No. 314, made by R. Esterbrook and Co. in England, who supply the Midland Bank with pen-nibs, from whom I got it—a gift, I may say. But behind this nib there is the whole process of manufacture... In fact a pen nib implies of universe, and the history of it implies its history. We may regard this way of looking at it—history as the time-aspect of all things: a pen-nib, the universe, the fiddled before me as I write, as a relative conception of history. There is, secondly, what we may call a substantive conception of history, what we usually mean by it, history proper as a subject of study in itself.

Excerpt From The Use of History

By A. L. Rowse



A. L. 罗斯



-temporal [ˈtempərəl] adj. 当时的,暂时的,现世的 lasting only for a time, passing

-nib [nɪb] n. 鹅管笔的尖端,钢笔尖

-considerable [kənˈsɪdərəbl] adj. 重要的,值得考虑的;有重大意义的 worthy of consideration; significant

Midland Bank :米特兰银行

the fiddled :不重要的事

-substantive [səbˈstæntɪv] adj. 实质的,实在的 of or relating to the essence or substance; essential


罗斯(A. L. Rowse, 1903-1997)是当代英国首屈一指的文史学者,著作丰硕,纵横文学与史学两大领域。其史学作品有文学旨趣,而其文学著作又有史家见识。尤其擅长用传记来构筑断代史。作为著名的伊丽莎白王朝学者,他的英国伊利莎白社会历史三部曲(1950—1971)更是有口皆碑,但他也写了好几部丘吉尔家族传。