
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-10  



Hospitalization - 住院

Admission - 入院

Discharge - 出院

Doctor's order - 医嘱

Medical treatment - 医疗治疗

Regular check-up - 定期检查

Recovery - 康复

Ward - 病房

Bed rest - 卧床休息

Medication - 药物

Prescription - 处方

Inpatient - 住院病人

Outpatient - 门诊病人

Surgical procedure - 手术

Recovery room - 恢复室

Physical therapy - 物理治疗

Health insurance - 健康保险


A: How's your dad doing? I heard he was admitted to the hospital.

B: He's doing better now. He had surgery and is recovering well.

A: That's good to hear. When is he getting discharged?

B: The doctor said he can be discharged in two days.

A: 你爸爸怎么样了?我听说他住院了。

B: 他现在好多了。他做了手术,正在康复。

A: 听到这个消息很高兴。他什么时候出院?

B: 医生说他可以在两天内出院。

A: How long have you been hospitalized?

B: I've been here for a week.

A: What treatment are you receiving?

B: I had a minor surgery, and now I'm on medication to speed up my recovery.

A: Have you been getting good care from the nurses and doctors?

B: Yes, everyone has been very helpful and attentive.

A: 你住院多久了?

B: 我已经住了一周了。

A: 你正在接受什么治疗?

B: 我做了一次小手术,现在正在服用药物加速康复。

A: 护士和医生给你提供了好的照顾吗?

B: 是的,每个人都非常乐于助人和关心细致。


My Hospital Experience

Last month, I was admitted to the hospital for a minor surgery. It was my first time being hospitalized, so I was a little nervous. However, the doctors and nurses were very reassuring and made me feel comfortable.

During my stay, I received excellent care from the hospital staff. They took great care of me and made sure that I was comfortable and had everything I needed. The medical equipment was state-of-the-art, and the facilities were clean and comfortable.

One thing that surprised me was the amount of paperwork involved in the hospitalization process. I had to fill out several forms, including my medical history and insurance information. However, the hospital staff was very helpful in guiding me through the process.

After my surgery, I was discharged after three days. The doctor gave me a prescription for pain medication and advised me on post-operative care. I followed the instructions carefully and was able to make a full recovery in a few weeks.

Overall, my hospital experience was better than I expected. I'm grateful for the excellent care I received and the support from the hospital staff.








❶ 查出是什么病了吗?Have they figured out what's wrong?

同类表达 Do they know what's wrong?

Have they found the problem?

❷ 我想办理入院手续。I want to apply for admission to hospital.

对话 A: I want to apply for admission to hospital. 我想办理入院手续。

B: Please go to the inpatient department. 请去住院部。

❸ 我仍然需要接受门诊治疗。I still need to be treated on an outpatient basis.

对话 A: What's the words from the doctor? 医生怎么说?

B: The doctor said that I still needed to be treated on an outpatient basis. 医生说我仍然需要接受门诊治疗。

❹ 你什么时候可以出院?When can you be discharged from hospital?

对话 A: When can you be discharged from hospital? 你什么时候可以出院?

B: Next weekend. 下周末。

❺ 探视时间已经过了。The visiting hours are over.

这样提问 What're the visiting hours? 探视时间是什么时候?

When do the visiting hours begin and end? 探视时间什么时候开始和结束?

❻ 我去叫护士来好吗?Should I get a nurse?

对话 A: My stomach just started hurting worse. 我的胃更疼了。

B: Should I get a nurse? 我去叫护士来好吗?

A: Thank you. 谢谢。

❼ 病人情况怎么样?How is the patient's condition?

对话 A: How is the patient's condition? 病人情况怎么样?

B: She is recovering fast. 她恢复得很快。

❽ 你要在这里待多久?How long do you have to stay here?

同类表达 How long will you be here?

How long will they keep you here?

❾ 她昨晚被送到加护病房。She was sent to the ICU last night.

对话 A: She was sent to the ICU last night. 她昨晚被送到加护病房了。

B: The doctor said she needed to stay here for another ten days. 医生说她还需要在这里待十天。

❿ 出院时,我已经痊愈了。When I left the hospital, I was completely cured.