
英语作文    发布时间:2024-06-04  



Conflict with classmates is a common experience that can be dealt with effectively. It's crucial to listen to each other with empathy. By understanding the other person's perspective, you can see things from their viewpoint and find common ground. During disagreements, avoid reacting impulsively. Instead, give yourself some time to calm down. This helps prevent escalation. Another effective approach is seeking mediation by a teacher or a neutral third party. They can help interpret our points clearly and promote a resolution. Open dialogue is also essential. This involves sitting down and discussing the problem calmly. Finally, apologies and forgiveness go a long way in repairing relationships.



  • conflict with classmates:与同学之间的矛盾

  • empathetic listening:感同身受地倾听

  • perspective:观点

  • viewpoint:视角

  • impulsively:冲动地

  • escalate:恶化

  • mediation:调解

  • neutral third party:中立第三方

  • interpretation:解释

  • resolution:解决

  • dialogue:对话

  • repair relationships:修复关系


Dealing with peer conflicts requires patience and a sincere desire to maintain healthy relationships. We should consider the idea that 'two wrongs don't make a right.' It's more effective to express our feelings calmly without blaming the other person. If there's miscommunication, it can be cleared up by asking open-ended questions to get more information. This can lead to a better understanding of the situation. Speaking in a friendly tone and giving credit for good intentions also opens up channels for mutual understanding. It’s crucial to acknowledge our mistakes, and it's equally important to forgive those who admit their errors. Keeping a journal can help track our thoughts, which often aids in our personal growth.



  • patience:耐心

  • maintain relationships:维护关系

  • expression of feelings:表达感情

  • blame the other person:指责别人

  • miscommunication:沟通不畅

  • open-ended questions:开放式问题

  • mutual understanding:相互理解

  • recognize our mistakes:承认我们的错误

  • forgiveness:宽恕

  • keeping a journal:写日记

  • track thoughts:追踪想法

  • personal growth:个人成长
