
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-05  



1. Hair(头发): 

- Short hair(短发)

- Long hair(长发)

- Curly hair(卷发)

- Straight hair(直发)

- Bald(秃头)

2. Eyes(眼睛):

- Big eyes(大眼睛)

- Small eyes(小眼睛)

- Blue eyes(蓝色眼睛)

- Brown eyes(棕色眼睛)

3. Nose(鼻子):

- Big nose(大鼻子)

- Small nose(小鼻子)

- Flat nose(扁鼻子)

4. Mouth(嘴巴):

- Thin lips(薄唇)

- Thick lips(厚唇)

- Small mouth(小嘴巴)

- Big mouth(大嘴巴)

5. Face(脸):

- Oval face(椭圆脸)

- Round face(圆脸)

- Square face(方脸)

- Long face(长脸)

6. Skin(皮肤):

- Fair skin(白皙皮肤)

- Dark skin(黑皮肤)

- Smooth skin(光滑皮肤)

- Wrinkled skin(皱纹皮肤)

7. Body(身体):

- Tall(高)

- Short(矮)

- Slim(瘦)

- Fat(胖)

- Muscular(肌肉型)

8. Age-related(与年龄相关):

- Young(年轻)

- Middle-aged(中年)

- Old(老)

- Youthful appearance(看起来年轻)

- Aged/wrinkled(显老/有皱纹)

关于相貌的英语对话 带翻译 

A: Hey, have you seen the new guy in our class? What does he look like?


B: Yeah, I met him earlier. He's got short curly hair and a friendly smile.


A: Really? Can you tell me more about his appearance?


B: Sure. He's quite tall and has a lean build. His eyes are really striking—bright blue, and he wears glasses.


A: Sounds like he stands out in a crowd. Anything else?


B: Well, he has a fair complexion and a sharp nose. Oh, and he was wearing a cool leather jacket today.


A: With your description, I think I'll recognize him when I see him. Thanks!


关于相貌的英语作文 带翻译

Physical appearance plays a significant role in our lives, as it is often the first thing people notice about us. It encompasses various aspects such as facial features, body shape, and overall attractiveness. In this essay, we will explore the importance of physical appearance and its impact on individuals.

1. First impressions:

Physical appearance greatly influences first impressions. People tend to form opinions based on appearance alone, without having any knowledge about an individual's personality or character. Therefore, it is essential to present oneself in a way that reflects confidence and cleanliness.

2. Self-esteem and confidence:

An individual's physical appearance can significantly impact their self-esteem and confidence levels. Society often places value on certain beauty standards, causing individuals to compare themselves with others and feel insecure about their own appearance. However, it is crucial to remember that beauty comes in various forms and sizes, and true confidence lies in accepting oneself as they are.

3. Social interactions:

Physical appearance can affect social interactions and relationships. People are naturally attracted to those they find visually appealing, which can open doors to new friendships and romantic relationships. Moreover, a well-groomed appearance can create a positive impression and improve communication skills.

4. Professional opportunities:

Physical appearance can also influence professional opportunities. In certain industries, such as modeling, acting, or customer service, having an attractive appearance may be considered an advantage. However, it is important to note that skills, qualifications, and personality traits should always be the primary factors in determining professional success.

While physical appearance does play a role in our lives, it is important to remember that it is just one aspect of who we are. True beauty lies in embracing oneself, cultivating inner confidence, and valuing personal qualities and skills. Society should strive to appreciate and celebrate diversity, rather than solely focusing on superficial appearances.


1. 第一印象:


2. 自尊与自信:


3. 社交互动:


4. 职业机会:




❶ 她长得漂亮极了!She is gorgeous!

同类表达 She is so beautiful! 她真漂亮!

You look sharp today. 你今天看起来真漂亮!

❷ 她很高,而且皮肤白皙。She is tall and fair-skinned.

对话 A: Can you tell me something about your girlfriend? 你能告诉我一些关于你女朋友的事情吗?

B: She is tall and fair-skinned. 她很高,而且皮肤白皙。

❸ 她有一头乌黑的直发。Her hair is jet black and straight.

同类表达 She has curly hair. 她是卷发。

She wears short hair. 她留短发。

❹ 她有一双大眼睛和一个小嘴巴。She has two big eyes and a small mouth.

对话 A: Can you describe her appearance? 你能描述一下她的外貌吗?

B: She has two big eyes and a small mouth. 她有一双大眼睛和一个小嘴巴。

❺ 她相貌平平。She has a plain face.

对话 A: Your girlfriend must be pretty. 你女朋友肯定很漂亮。

B: She has a plain face. 她相貌平平。

❻ 那个女孩脸上有颗美人痣。The girl has a beauty spot on her face.

❼ 他长得真帅!He really is a good-looking man!

对话 A: What does he look like? 他长得怎么样?

B: He really is a good-looking man! 他长得真帅!

❽ 他长得真难看!What an ugly face he has!

对话 A: My mum thinks Simon is handsome. 我妈妈觉得西蒙很帅。

B: Come on, what an ugly face he has! 拜托,他长得多难看啊!

❾ 杰克是个美男子。Jack is a lady-killer.

同类表达 He's so handsome!

He's very attractive.

He has those killer looks.

❿ 他有着黝黑的皮肤,还有一双深色的眼睛。He's got tanned skin and dark eyes.

对话 A: What are the most distinguishable features about his appearance? 他外貌上最突出的特点是什么?

B: He's got tanned skin and dark eyes. 他有着黝黑的皮肤,还有一双深色的眼睛。
