
英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-09  



    1.Jilin rime - 吉林雾凇

    2.Guilin landscape - 桂林山水

    3.Yunnan stone forest - 云南石林

    4.Three gorges of the Yangtze River - 长江三峡

    5.Songhua River - 松花江

    6.Fengman power station - 丰满水电站

    7.Mist - 雾

    8.Rime - 霜

吉林雾凇与桂林山水、云南石林和长江三峡同为中国四大自然奇观。在吉林,每到冬季,尽管松花湖上一抹如镜、冰冻如铁,但冰层下面几十米深的水里仍能保持4℃的水温,水温和地面温差常在30℃左右,于是就形成了市区以下几十里不封冻的江面。温差使江水产生雾气,江面上白雾袅袅,久不消散。沿江那十里长堤,苍松林立,杨柳抚江,就在一定的气压、风向、温度等条件的作用下,江面的大量雾气遇冷后便以霜的形式凝结在周围粗细不同的树枝上,形成大面积的雾凇奇观。 由于拥有得天独厚的自然条件,所以吉林雾凇又具有持续时间长、厚度大、出现频率高的特点。每年从12月下旬到翌年2月底,都是在吉林市观赏雾凇的最佳时节,最多时一年可出现60余次。在冰封时节的吉林,草木都已凋零,万物也失去了生机,然而雾凇奇观却总能“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”地降临北国江城。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to my hometown, Jilin City. I am Vera, your tour guide from the China National Tourism Administration. You may also call me Miss Zhang. On my left is our driver, Mrs. Li, who has over 20 years of driving experience and will ensure our safety.

We are just a few minutes away from the Ten Miles Dike. Let me give you a brief introduction to Jilin rime. Jilin’s rime is considered a symbol of spring in winter and, along with the Guilin landscape, Yunnan Stone Forest, and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, it is one of China’s Four Meteorological Wonders. In fact, China has the earliest records of rime, commonly known locally as "mist attached to trees."

Let me explain how Jilin rime forms. About 15 kilometers upstream from Jilin City, along the Songhua River, is the famous Fengman Power Station. In winter, as water passes through the hydraulic group, it warms up, maintaining a temperature of around 4°C despite the cold and the steel-like ice on the lake. Because the river water holds significant heat energy, it doesn't freeze for up to ten miles. Water vapor rises from the surface, creating a misty appearance. With pines, poplars, and weeping willows along the dykes, the water vapor freezes around the trees due to the cold and atmospheric conditions. This unique formation allows Jilin rime to last a long time and occurs frequently in winter. The best time for sightseeing is from late December to February. There can be over 60 rime formations in a single winter. People usually enjoy the process in three stages: watching the mist at night, appreciating the rime in the morning, and observing the rime as it falls. The trees along the river are covered in rime, and the branches of the weeping willows look like silver necklaces. After about 9 o'clock in the morning, the rime begins to fall from the trees, starting with a small amount and increasing over time. When the rime falls on us, it feels especially fresh and cool.

We have now reached Songjang Road. Please put on your hats and gloves and follow me to enjoy the wonders of the rime.